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Interface & Interaction

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1 Interface & Interaction
Jessica Pearce & Brian Gould Mohawk College BG

2 Sign up to attend and/or facilitate an ETC Virtual Lunch & Learn.
Visit to register or submit a proposal. Advancing Learning conference. May 2019 Learn more at: @advlearn BG Great professional development opportunity • A way to diversify their CV • A way to share their thoughts on a topic that they are passionate about

3 Agenda Outcomes & Introductions Interface Interactions
Questions & Answers BG

4 Introductions Jessica Pearce, MEd, BEd, BA Brian Gould, MA, BEd, Dipl.
Bernadette Summers, MA Academic Technology Consultant 6 yrs teaching, online & f2f CDS/Instructional Designer Manager 20 yrs teaching, online & f2f Instructional Designer EdTech Specialist Instructional Designer 6 yrs teaching, online & f2f 3 of 5 – make up Online Learning & Development team Reporting to Cebert Adamson - Dean, Continuing Education, Academic Quality and Centre for Teaching & Learning

5 Learning Outcomes Discuss the significance of well-organized, aesthetically- pleasing online interfaces. Examine templates that support the online learner. Discuss practical and engaging activities that can be applied to online courses.  JP

6 Poll JP LMS, Wiki page, WordPress, Web 2.0s
These are two areas that Brian and I find most instructors and students struggle with in online courses. 

7 Interface [in-ter-feys]
BG Add change management elements re: changing from Bootstrap 3 to 4 etc. “a device or program enabling a user to communicate with a computer” – Oxford Living Dictionaries.

8 General Spec Guide – Colour Book
BG InVission

9 General Spec Guide – Icon Sets

10 General Spec Guide - Fonts

11 Office Administration – Year One
JP – eLearn As Brian was saying, we certainly have a programmatic approach to our online course designs.  Vicky, have to re-learn eLearn with every course.

12 Office Administration – Year One
JP Every course has its own assigned colour, to help keep the entire POS more organized and clear. 

13 Pedagogy Signaling Principle Segmenting Principle
Pre-training Principle People learn better when cues that highlight the organization of the essential material are added. People learn better from a lesson that is presented in user-paced segments rather than as a continuous unit. People learn better from a lesson when they know the names and characteristics of the  main concepts. BG Eric Mayer – Principles of Multimedia Learning (Clark & Mayer, 2003 & Mayer, 2008)

14 Course Navigation Home Content Communication Assessment Resources
Course Requirements Assessments Module X Communication Assessment Resources JP Link to eLearn shell (CSSM Public Admin):  All of our courses in each program are set up almost identically to ensure ease of navigation so students do not have to "Re-learn" the LMS within each new course they take. 

15 Interaction [in-ter-ak-shuhn]
JP - Jessica O’Reilly, Instructional Developer and Sarah Wendorf, Instructional Designer with the Cambrian College Teaching and Learning Innovation Hub H5P Interactive Content: NOT a Barbeque Sauce! “Communication or direct involvement with someone or something” – Oxford Living Dictionaries.

16 Andragogy Digital Andragogy is
"the practice of educators to equip and encourage adult learners to choose and use accessible digital technologies to personalize their learning and facilitate their interactions with peers" (Blackley and Sheffield’s, 2015). BG Word Concepts / Learning Exercises– video instructions in addition to text Professional Admin – Are you talking too fast Professional Admin – Active Listening Human Relations – Mid-Term / Final Review Professional Admin – Voice message Climate Change Management – flip cards & student review

17 Pedagogy How can online educators facilitate this?
Navigation through the unit is scaffolded by ‘chunking’ content and tasks. The immediate application of learning is made obvious. Opportunities for creative development and reflection are provided. A variety of modes and mediums of communication are engaged with (2015). BG Word Concepts / Learning Exercises– video instructions in addition to text Professional Admin – Are you talking too fast – H5p Professional Admin – Voice message – H5P Professional Admin – Active Listening – H5P Human Relations – Mid-Term Review – H5P Climate Change Management – flip cards & student review – Flip cards & H5P

18 Questions & Answers What questions do you have?

19 Introductions Jessica Pearce, MEd, BEd, BA Brian Gould, MA, BEd, Dipl.
Bernadette Summers, MA Academic Technology Consultant 6 yrs teaching, online & f2f CDS/Instructional Designer Manager 20 yrs teaching, online & f2f Instructional Designer EdTech Specialist Instructional Designer 6 yrs teaching, online & f2f 3 of 5 – make up Online Learning & Development team Reporting to Cebert Adamson - Dean, Continuing Education, Academic Quality and Centre for Teaching & Learning

20 Sign up to attend and/or facilitate an ETC Virtual Lunch & Learn.
Visit to register or submit a proposal. Advancing Learning conference. May 2019 Learn more at: @advlearn Great professional development opportunity • A way to diversify their CV • A way to share their thoughts on a topic that they are passionate about

21 References Blackley, S., & Sheffield, R. (2015). Digital andragogy: A richer blend of initial teacher education in the 21st century. Issues in Education Research, 25(4), Desire2Learn (2018). Daylight HTML template (Version 2.0) [Blog]. Retrieved from Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2003). e-Learning and the science of instruction. San Francisco, CA: Pfieffer Mayer, R. E. (2008). Research-based principles for learning with animation. In R. Lower & W. Schnotz (Eds.), Learning with animations: Research and implications for design. (pp ). New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Oxford Living Dictionaries (n.d.). Interface. Retrieved from Oxford Living Dictionaries (n.d.). Interaction. Retrieved from

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