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BE SUPER! Nevin Coppock 1st Grade Ms. Blake Week in Review

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1 BE SUPER! Nevin Coppock 1st Grade 10-14-16 Ms. Blake Week in Review
Upcoming Events October 14 – pretzel day, BINGO night October – Grandparent’s Lunch Week October 18- Cookie dough sale ends October 21 – In Service-No Classes October 27 – classroom plays 10:00 October 28 – 1st Quarter Ends October 28 – Halloween Parties November 8 – Aullwood fieldtrip We read a biography about Christopher Columbus and learned that he was an explorer. We also discussed what makes a person a hero. We had a visit from the Tipp City Fire Department and had a tour of the fire truck and learned what to do in case of a fire. Do you and your family have a meeting place outside of your home? We know that a community helper is a person that helps others in the community that we live in. We brainstormed a list of community helpers in our Tipp City Community! We wrote about specific community helpers and did a noun sort with community helpers! Superhero Student Aubrey Looking Ahead to October 17th Theme: scarecrows Vowel Sound/Word Family: lonely (short) i, it Phonics Sound: ew Reading/Language Arts: nouns, verbs, adjectives Guided reading, plays Math: Chap. 3 – addition strategies Social Studies: grandparents, families October Birthdays Jayden – 2, Grant – 3 Mia – 13 Lily – 8, Brandon – 15, Sonja - 27 Next Week’s Related Arts Mon. Tues. Wed. Thur. Fri. art music gym library Weekly Word Wall Words new will him into it’s Notes from the Teacher *Our grandparent lunch day is the 18th at 11:35. Scholastic Book Fair will also be here that week. *Attached are pictures of our visit with Tipp City Fire Department.

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