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LT John Marburger OC 3570 March 17, 2004

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1 LT John Marburger OC 3570 March 17, 2004
An Investigation Into Spatial Variation of the Deep Sound Channel Off the Central California Coast LT John Marburger OC 3570 March 17, 2004

2 Overview Background/Project Goals Data Methods Results Conclusions

3 Background/Goals METOC focus is shifting to near shore/littoral environment Data readily available Some initial prior research performed Project has Navy relevance Characterization of spatial and temporal variation of sound velocity provides a stable foundation to build on information superiority.

4 Data Lots of CTD data!! Positional data

5 Line 67

6 Data Analysis Methods Convert CTD data
Conductivity to Salinity Pressure into depth MATLAB code did above conversions and simultaneously made a SVP for each station within a given data set

7 Data Analysis Methods SVP axis truncated to focus in on Deep sound channel axis ( meters) Scaling factor for waterfall plots

8 Data Analysis Methods SVP’s contained high frequency noise
Butterworth filter Filtering coefficients will vary. Sound reacts to variations based on its frequency Done by inspection

9 Data Analysis Methods Sound speed minimum gathered for each SVP.

10 Data Analysis Methods Each sound speed minimum was plotted versus longitude. Longitude was binned and averaged

11 Results

12 Results Monthly analysis performed El Nino year analysis performed

13 February trend

14 July trend

15 El Nino trend

16 Conclusions A statistically significant shoaling of the deep sound channel is observed along Line 67. Monthly/seasonal investigations yielded limited results due to limited data The anomalous El Nino year produced little change in deep sound channel axis depth compared to the ensemble

17 Further study Dynamics of the trend?
Davidson/California currents? Does the trend persist north and south?

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