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Transition Services How to get ready for life after school.

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1 Transition Services How to get ready for life after school.

2 Agencies Involved in Transition Services School Regional Center Department of Rehabilitation Mental Health Post-Secondary Schools Health Care Providers

3 The Individualized Transition Plan (ITP) Meeting Purpose – to help transition into adulthood Students preference and needs taken into consideration –Student included as a member of the IEP Vocational and daily living skills assessments Include representatives from local agencies who are responsible for providing and/or paying for services. No later than age 16 –If determined to be appropriate, age 14 or younger

4 The ITP must document the following: Shall identify which agencies will be responsible for transition services Document that other agencies have accepted the student for post-secondary school services Document the participation of other agencies in planning and service delivery. See CEC § 56345.1, 56462, 56460, and 34 C.F.R. § 300.29(a), 300.344(b), and 300.347

5 Options can include: Community experiences Development of employment and other post- school adult living objectives If appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and functional vocational evaluation. –Project Workability Programs see, Mobility Training, Job Coach, Classes at a Community College, and Involvement with DOR.

6 Resources for Transition Information Transition planning CDE Book Transition to Adulthood: A Guide for Secondary Education (2003) available at 916-323-0832 or Jobs –Vocational Assessment »

7 Exiting Special Education In CA, special education continues without qualification through a students 18 th year if they have not received a diploma. Individuals who are 19, 20, or 21, who were enrolled in or were eligible for special education prior to their 19 th birthday, continues to be eligible during those years if they have not completed their prescribed course of study, or if they have not met proficiency standards, or if they have not graduated with a regular diploma. Compensatory education is different, ie failure to do appropriate transition planning results in compensatory services which will extend eligibility past the age or study criteria.

8 Standardized Testing for Students in Special Education CA High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) Requirement for a Diploma has been postponed until 2006. STAR Testing – In CA, Stanford Achievement Test 9 th Edition or SAT-9 is used by educators to determine a retention policy for students. Special education students utilize the IEP process to determine retention/promotion. Students can also be exempted out of the testing. California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA) Modifications of tests are also available see For more information on testing see

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