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Moving to High School A Transition Programme for P7/S1

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Presentation on theme: "Moving to High School A Transition Programme for P7/S1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Moving to High School A Transition Programme for P7/S1
Shirley Illman, Literacy Services West Lothian Council

2 Background Need for much more than support with basic skills of literacy Part of a longitudinal study of pupils and parents over the transition year Necessity to work collaboratively with primary and high school Organisation and development

3 Aims of the Programme Understand the nature of dyslexia
Identify individual learning styles and how we learn best Develop metacognition skills Teach strategies for coping - personal organisation, mind mapping, colour coded timetables and books Introduce helpful resources - ACE Dictionary, ICT, Raise self-esteem Bring together pupils with similar difficulties Deal with concerns about moving to High School Extending study skills

4 Main Elements of Course
Introduction to the course Metacognition Cards Mind Mapping Strengths and Weaknesses Visual timetables Learning Styles

5 Main Elements of Course
Organisational skills e.g. homework, bag Highlighting information Ace Dictionary/ Spelling Strategies Vocabulary for High School Worries about High School Visit from High School Staff Self Reflection

6 Main Elements of S1 Course
Experiences in S1 and Swot Analysis Reading Strategies Listening Activities Visualisation

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