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Asking questions What is the point of asking questions?

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Presentation on theme: "Asking questions What is the point of asking questions?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asking questions What is the point of asking questions?
Watch this video Tell me what the point of the video might be Image:

2 A Driving Question must…
Create interest Challenge students Be bigger than Google Create a deep understanding of something (not just surface knowledge) Focus, guide & explain the work Answer the question, 'Why are we doing this?' Image:

3 How will you record your progress?
Decide on documentation style (i.e., blog, journal, video, podcast) In your Document tell me Your Driving Question How and Why you came up with it Where you need to start for your research Image: Contracts signed & sent home. Why? Touch base with Wiberg to find out the reasoning on this. 

4 Draft a genius hour research proposal
Create a Research Proposal Include: A topic (what topic do you want to study) Driving Question (what you want to answer during your research – your best one from last day) Research Method (How do you plan to answer the question? Polls? Research? Reading? Videos? Etc.) Final Product (How will you share what you learned?) Image:

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