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Note Please review 組合矩陣理論筆記(4) 1-3 about

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Presentation on theme: "Note Please review 組合矩陣理論筆記(4) 1-3 about"— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Please review 組合矩陣理論筆記(4) 1-3 about
Jordan form and Minimal polynomial

2 Theorem 1.2.13 If m=n ,and at least one of A or B is nonsigular,then
AB and BA are similar

3 Remark The Jordan structure of AB and BA
corresponding to nonzero eigenvalues are the same



6 Qestion p.1 Given when does there exist matrices such that and

7 Qestion p.2 Solved in H.Flanders, Elementary divisors of AB and
BA Pra. Amer. Math. Sec 2(1951) C.R Johnson, E.A.Schreineer, The relationship between AB and BA, Ameri Math Monthly 103(1966),

8 Solution p.1 A,B exist if and only if
(i) The Jordan structure associated with nonzero eigenvalues is identical in C and D

9 Solution p.2 (ii) If are the sizes of the
Jordan blocks associated with 0 in C while are the corresponding for all i sizes in D, then ( Here, for convenience, we fill out lists of zero Jordan blocks sizes with 0 as needed)

10 Problem Given square complex matrices
not necessarily of the same size. Find a necessary and sufficientary condition on so that there exist complex rectangular matrices of appropriate size that satisfy

11 Equivalent Problem Given when does
there exist a matrix A in the superdiagonal --block form, i.e. such that

12 Theorem p.1 Let U(A):= the collection of elementary Jardan
blocks in the Jordan form of A . Given To obtain from U(A) replace each by and a by k times if

13 Theorem p.2 and by m-q copies of together with q copies of
where p is a positive integer and q is a nonnegative integer determined uniquely by

14 Example





19 Cyclically consecutive equal components
is said to have cyclically consecutive equal components, if whenever with then either or

20 Example 1 has cyclically consecutive equal components

21 Example 2 has no cyclically consecutive equal components

22 Theorem p.1 Given square matrices there are rectangular matrices
such that iff (a) have the same subcollection of nonsigular elementary Jordan blocks.

23 Theorem p.2 (b) It is possible to list the nilpotent
elementary Jordan blocks in in some way, say, are nonnegative where (and stands for an empty block) so that for each positive integer

24 Theorem p.3 is either an m-tuple
with constant components, or an m-tuple with two distinct components that differ by 1 and in which equal components are cyclically consecutive.











35 Explain for (b)

36 Example 1 p.1 Let A List of nilpotant elementary Jordan blocks
the corresponding 2-tuple :

37 Example 1 p.2 Let A List of nipotant elementary Jordan blocks
the corresponding 2-tuple :

38 Example 2 p.1 Given A list of nilpotent elementary Jordan blocks
satisfy the condition (b) in Theorem (see next page)

39 Example 2 p.1 The corresponding 4-tuple are

40 Jordan Diagram Let T be a nilpotent operator on V and 5 is
the index of nilpotency of T. Jordan chain for T

41 Jordan Diagram a basis for N(T)

42 Jordan Diagram a basis for N(T2)

43 Jordan Diagram a basis for N(T3)

44 Jordan Diagram a basis for N(T4)=V

45 Jordan Diagram

46 Theorem Let V be a finite dimensional vector space Let
be a nilpotent operator then there is an ordered basis β of V s.t. is a Jordan matrix





51 Observation 1 p.1 Let C,D be m-cyclic matrices (not necessarily
of the same size) in superdiagonal block form say, and if

52 Observation 1 p.2 then

53 Observation 2 p.1 Let be a given m-tuple
of positive integers whose components take on at most two distinct values that differ by 1 and in which equal components are cyclic consecutive. Denote Then

54 Observation 2 Then there exist an rxr permutation matrix P such that
is an m-cyclic matrix block form in the superdiagonal and


56 Spectral I Let and The spectral index of A = : = g.c.d of i at

57 Combinatorial Spectral Theory of Nonnegative Matrices


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