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Vampire Bats Vocabulary

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1 Vampire Bats Vocabulary

2 Word Definition Panama Country in Central America Round-up To gather animals Vampire bats Bats that drink blood Swarm Large group Dive-bombed Diving steeply toward a target Corralled Captured together Contraptions Devices Roost Home for winged animals Fangs Sharp teeth Bloodletting Removal of blood

3 Word Definition Calves Baby cows Anemia Lack of red blood cells Bemoan Sorrow Scarcity Shortage Endangered At risk of extinction Saliva Watery substance in the mouth Anticoagulant Stops blood clotting Exterminate Eliminate Boon Helpful or beneficial From scratch From the beginning Fondness To like something Exotic Wild

4 Word Definition Pollination Fertilization for plant reproduction Ebbed and Flowed Pattern of decline and regrowth Livestock Animals used for food Stationary Not moving

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