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Introducing Cultural Patterns and Processes

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1 Introducing Cultural Patterns and Processes

2 What is Culture? “Culture is a shared set of meanings that are lived through the material and symbolic practices of everyday life” (Knox and Marston, 2004) Values Beliefs Practices Religion Language Family Gender Sexuality

3 Facts about Culture Artifacts – objects of material culture
Dwelling Cooking utensils Dress Sociofacts – the way groups do things Interpersonal relationships The family Education Mentifacts – a group’s literature, religion, language and music

4 Cultural facts

5 Habits and Customs Habit – a repetitive act that a particular individual performs Custom – a repetitive act of a group performed to an extent that it becomes characteristic of the group

6 What is acculturation? Cultural change that occurs in response to extended firsthand contacts between two or more previously autonomous groups ( Rapid diffusion of cultural items either by choice of the receiving society or by force from a more dominant society ( /student_view0/glossary.html)

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