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Equine Science Jeopardy!.

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Presentation on theme: "Equine Science Jeopardy!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Equine Science Jeopardy!

2 VITALS GAITS NUTRITION ANATOMY HEALTH 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 The normal body temperature of an adult horse.
98.6F F F 1

4 heart rate for an adult horse at rest?
The average heart rate for an adult horse at rest? 2

5 The normal respiration rate for an adult horse at rest.

6 Name three things that will increase the respiration
. Name three things that will increase the respiration rate of a horse. 4

7 Identify the type of horse that will have a normal higher temperature, respiration and heart rate.

8 A four beat gait … clip clop clip clop.
Jog or Trot Walk Canter or Lope 6

9 Walk Trot/Jog Canter/Lope
A 2-beat gait. The feet move in diagonal pairs making a clip-clop, clip-clop sound. Walk Trot/Jog Canter/Lope 7

10 A 3-beat gait that lifts all four of the horse’s feet completely off the ground at the same time.
8 7

11 A thunderous roll of all four feet moving at a fast pace.

12 The speed of a race horse in a graceful super-speedy galloping gait.

13 Name the two main ingredients a horse needs in his daily diet.

14 How much water can a horse easily drink in one day?

15 Founder, colic, overweight, underweight, poor hooves or coat quality.

16 Horse’s age, condition, activity, metabolism and the seasonal climate.

17 This should be the main part of a horse’s diet every day.

18 Name four physiology systems of an equine.

19 The number of bones in a skeleton of a horse.

20 The horse uses it to find food, water and identify other horses and humans.

21 Name an undesirable trait of the horse’s jawbone.

22 The number of muscles controlling each of the horse’s ears so that they can turn their ears in almost any direction. 20

23 This can damage a horse’s tissue, internal organs, blood vessels,
intestines, liver, lungs, and stomach. 21

24 Name three ways to prevent disease.

25 Fiddleneck, Oleander, Yellow Star Thistle, and Wild Onion are a few.

26 Type of fencing not recommended for horses.

27 Name 4 habits of good horsemanship.

28 What is 100F? 1

29 What is 35 beats per minute?

30 What is 10 times per minute? (8-16 average)

31 What is exercise, temperature, humidity, fever, stress, pain, dehydration, and/or anxiety?

32 What is a foal? 5

33 What is a walk? 6

34 What is a Trot or Jog? 7

35 What is Canter or Lope? 8

36 What is a Gallop or Running?

37 What is 45 miles per hour? 10

38 What is water and roughage (hay, grains, mixed feeds, pasture)?

39 What is 15 gallons? (depending upon activity level and climate)

40 What might happen if you feed your horse too much, too little or poor quality feed?

41 What determines what and how much to feed your horse?

42 What is good quality hay?

43 What are the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, endocrine, reproductive and/or integumentary? 16

44 What is 205? (vertebral column, 54; ribs, 36; sternum, 1; skull, 34; thoracic limbs, 40; pelvic limbs, 40) 17

45 What is the sense of smell?

46 What is monkey mouth (undershot jaw) or parrot mouth (overshot jaw)?

47 What is 10? (The horse can detect the direction of sound before it can visually detect the source and can hear sounds from great distances.) 20

48 What are parasites? 21

49 What are vaccinations, de-worming, provide fresh water & quality feed, feed in areas that are manure-free, and/or clean stall regularly ? 22

50 What plants are poisonous to horses?

51 What is barbed wire? 24

52 What is wear a safety helmet, wear boots with a heel, groom & check horse before saddling, check tack for wear & fit, let someone know where you are riding, when you will return and who you are riding with? 25

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