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Properties of Polymers

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1 Properties of Polymers
LO: Describe the difference between thermosetting and thermosoftening polymers. (D) Explain how changing the monomer can affect the properties of a polymer (C) Investigate the effect of cross-linkers on a polymer (B) Plan an experiment to find out how a polymer would be affected by the addition of a cross-linking chemical (A/A*) Starter Using the text book find out what is meant by.. Thermo-setting Thermo-softening

2 What are the chemicals that polymers are made from called ?


4 Testing for cross-linking
Design an experiment to test the effect of adding a cross-linker to a liquid polymer. You need to include… What equipment will you use ? What is your independent variable ? What are your control variables ? What will your interval and range be ? How are you going to measure the effect of cross-linking ?

5 Things that change polymers
Different monomers will give different polymers. Different reaction conditions will give different polymers.

6 Low density – Made with high pressure and a bit of oxygen.
High density – Made with slight pressure, 50oC and a catalyst.





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