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Delivering FiveStar Customer Service How Passionate Are YOU?

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Presentation on theme: "Delivering FiveStar Customer Service How Passionate Are YOU?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Delivering FiveStar Customer Service How Passionate Are YOU?

2 What Is Service? Adding to your product or services Honoured visitor in ones house.

3 What Is The Most Expensive Liability Any Organization Has?

4 Customer Profiles A live, warm body Vendors/suppliers Hotel Government Utility Company YOU! Internal External

5 FiveStar Tips Treat anyone you provide a service to as your customer including your…supervisor and co-workers Make a list of your various types of customers and ask them: What can I do to serve you better? Serve others the way YOU like to be served!

6 Value = Quality + Service - Price Startling Statistics Satisfied customers will tell ____people Unsatisfied tell _____ Speakers tell______? It costs 5 times more to replace a customer 68% leave because of an apathetic attitude

7 Value = Quality + Service - Price Advantages of Service 3Personal Satisfaction 3Repeat Business 3Referrals 3Change & Enhance Customers Perception 3Customers will pay 3Everything else falls into place when service is #1

8 FiveStar Tips ¶ Determine where service breakdowns occur ¶ Be a service provider vs. an order-taker ¶ Act as if you were a consultant to your customer--identify their needs and wants ¶ Work with your team to set specific, measurable goals for customer satisfaction-- make your goals visible! ¶ What is the fastest way to improve your job/career satisfaction?

9 What Do Customers Expect? ¶ Sincere Greeting ¶ Empathy ¶ Professionalism ¶ Product and Service Knowledge ¶ Quality ¶ Flexibility and personalized service ¶ Reliability ¶ Recognition ¶ Cleanliness

10 Examples of Quality Service Providers: ¶ __________________________________

11 Exceeding Expectations Are you part of the problem or solution? 1st:Meet expectations 2nd:Exceed expectations! Service excellence is a passion for the intangibles Realize that serving others is an honorable profession… everyone serves someone!

12 FiveStar Tips Make a list of all your customers expectations Prioritize the Top 5 and do whatever it takes to meet them Dont make your customers adapt to you

13 FiveStar Tips ¶Introduce yourself and use the customers name a minimum of twice ¶Anticipate…be proactive vs. reactive ¶Focus on the intangibles

14 ¶ Hand gestures and body language ¶ Eye contact… the window to the soul ¶ Listening and restating ¶ Appearance…grooming and hygiene ¶ Personal space ¶ Enthusiasm ¶ SMILE FiveStar Communication Tips

15 FiveStar Tips ¶Never say, Its our policy. Give reasons for the policy and offer options! ¶Review any Sacred Cows ¶Make sure you communicate a can do vs. a cant do attitude!

16 Six Values of Lifetime Loyalty The Customer is the STAR Communication… develops relationships Attitude Systems People development Continuous Quality & Product Improvement

17 Loyalty Tips Make a commitment to consistently deliver the Six Values of Lifetime Customer Loyalty. Conduct a daily personal attitude checkup: If attitudes were contagious, would I want anyone to catch mine? Consider the customer in everything you do!

18 Rule Number 1: The Customer is always right! Rule Number 2: When the Customer is wrong, see Rule Number 1!!

19 Why do Customers Complain? ¶A broken promise ¶Rude employees…on the phone or in person ¶A feeling of indifference or insincerity ¶A perception that no one was listening ¶An employee projected a cant do or negative attitude Avoid Sacred Cows

20 A Strategy To Increase Your Personal Power! ¶ Increase your knowledge: 80 - 20 Rule ¶ Focus on your behavior ¶ Be 100% accountable! ¶ Life changes when we commit to act! ¶ Take control of your attitude Attitude is everything! It is the highest and best expression of ourselves!

21 Personal Power Tips ¶ It takes as much time to shine as it does to whine ¶ Invest 30 minutes a day in personal growth ¶ Focus on your behavior ¶ Ask yourself:Am I more concerned about myself or my customer?

22 The 3 Rs: ¶Seek every opportunity to acknowledge your peers ¶Whenever possible, thank co-workers in front of others ¶Invite your customers to nominate superstars ¶Take the initiative to establish an awards and recognition team Recognition & Rewards = Repeated Actions

23 12 Attributes of Excellence ¶ Replace an old bad habit with a new good habit. ¶ Identify your talents and enjoy your job ¶ Stand for something ¶ Make a commitment ¶ Expect the best! ¶ Commit to continuous learning

24 12 Attributes of Excellence ¶Be open to learn and willing to teach ¶Adopt a mentor ¶Focus on the things you can control ¶Shine instead of whine! ¶Ask yourself at the end of every day: What did I change today that will improve things tomorrow? ¶ Act with urgency!

25 Customers Judge You By: The way you look What you say How you say it What you do How you do it. -- Dale Carnegie

26 Customer Service OR FiveStar Customer Satisfaction

27 Questions and Comments Rita Anne Suiter, Owner and Coach Website: Email:

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