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Uwe Kies, InnovaWood Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, FCBA

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Uwe Kies, InnovaWood Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld, FCBA 4-5 June 2018 – COST connect, Sofia, Bulgaria

2 Scope and purpose Impact of ERA-NETs & COST in EU forest-based sector
SCAR CASA study or SWG FOREST Deeper background on R&I activities on transnational level Relevant knowledge for COFUND programming Support to SWG FOREST to contribute to strategic orientation and priorities Forest-based sector: categorisation of actions 1. Forestry, 2. Wood industries (incl. furniture), 3.Paper industries 4. Novel forest-based products (biorefinery, bioenergy, biobased products) 5. Other sectors (with partial relevance to FBS) Relevance criterion: High – Medium - Low SWG FOREST – Sofia, 5 June | FCBA & InnovaWood

3 Key results Both funding instruments are of high importance
ERA-NETs: 159 actions, 2007 to 2020 WoodWisom-Net: 4 Joint calls, 62 funded projects, M€ total funding, 73 M€ national, 11 M€ EU FORESTERRA: 12 Mediterranean countries, 2.5 M€, 2 projects SUMFOREST: EU & EU neighbourhood region, 2.2 M€, 7 projects Other ERA-NETS: BioDivERsA 30, others 40 projects Funding 85 M€ in core FBS. Total estimated M€. COST: 137 actions, 1991 to 2019 107 actions in the core FBS 75 M€ total funding estimated SWG FOREST – Sofia, 5 June | FCBA & InnovaWood

4 Key results Highlights from ERA-NETs
Pan-European participation & strong industry partnerships ERA-NET Projects per country WWN+ projects with industrial partners SWG FOREST – Sofia, 5 June | FCBA & InnovaWood

5 Key results Highlights from COST actions
Pan-European participation & strong industry partnerships COST actions in the FBS, ERA-NETS & COST in wood construction, SWG FOREST – Sofia, 5 June | FCBA & InnovaWood

6 Main conclusions Widespread success in fostering high quality R&I in FBS
ERA-NET scheme has been the essential backbone for R&I in the SME- dominated FBS. COST actions have prepared the ground for leading R&I actions in the sector. ERA-NETs include excellent RTDI projects of huge market relevance for woodworking industries and other value chains. ERA-NET scheme has proven to be the perfect instrument for bottom- up, well-tailored research and innovation actions fostering considerable transfer and market impact. European-level research and development actions are well-suited for the forest-based sector, because many questions can be considered too specific to be addressed only through national funding programmes. SWG FOREST – Sofia, 5 June | FCBA & InnovaWood

7 Final report https://scar-europe. org/index
Andreas Kleinschmit von Lengefeld Directeur Innovation Recherche et International FCBA Institut Technologique 10, rue Galilée, Champs-sur-Marne, France Uwe Kies Secretary General InnovaWood 66 Rue du Luxembourg, 1000 Brussels, Belgium SWG FOREST – Sofia, 5 June | FCBA & InnovaWood

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