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85th TX. Leg. Overview of Impact on Education from DCCCD Perspective Presented to NTRP-16 Council September 19, 2017 By Don A. Perry Executive Director,

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Presentation on theme: "85th TX. Leg. Overview of Impact on Education from DCCCD Perspective Presented to NTRP-16 Council September 19, 2017 By Don A. Perry Executive Director,"— Presentation transcript:

1 85th TX. Leg. Overview of Impact on Education from DCCCD Perspective Presented to NTRP-16 Council September 19, 2017 By Don A. Perry Executive Director, Compliance & Policy Formation (During biennium legislative years also serves as Impact Analyst)

2 From last Nov. 14th (first day to pre-file bills) through May 29th (sine die) until June 18th (last day for Governor to sign, let stand, or veto) we identified and tracked 251 bills of interest. After June 18th there were a total of 38 bills of high importance for implementation as follows: Local Responsibility for implementation House – 4 Senate -10 Total = 14 State agency rules required before local implementation House – 10 Senate – 14 TOTAL = 24

3 Posting of copies of each list can be accessed by going to the following web link starting 9/20/17: Once you see or print out both lists a brief summary of each bill is provided. For those wish to access a copy of a specific bill please note each bill is “hyperlinked” so by hovering over that bill number you can right click and you will be taken directly to the bill information through Texas Legislature Online (TLO) where you will find an upper tab labeled “Text” to obtain a copy. 


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