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NSPRA © MMIV NSPRAs Unlocking Sensational Service Tools for Tapping into Your People Power.

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Presentation on theme: "NSPRA © MMIV NSPRAs Unlocking Sensational Service Tools for Tapping into Your People Power."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSPRA © MMIV NSPRAs Unlocking Sensational Service Tools for Tapping into Your People Power

2 NSPRA © MMIV Understanding Customer Service Section A

3 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Customer Service Is … n The way we treat people. n The way we greet people. n The way we answer the phone. n The look and feel of our schools. n The way we go above and beyond typical job responsibilities. n Making a personal connection with people. n Following through to make sure customer needs have been met. n Delighting people by doing more than they expect. n Being a goodwill ambassador for our schools. A.1a

4 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Attitude Is the First Step A positive attitude is the first step in developing strong relationships with your customers and delivering sensational service. A.2a

5 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Customer Service Is Everyones Job People form perceptions and make judgments continuously. Therefore, every employee is responsible for positive customer service! Must be continuously fostered A.2b

6 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Factors in Forming Attitudes n Personal experience with a product or place. n The personal experience of other people we trust. n Reading or listening to information from a source we trust (for example, a publication or respected group). A.2c

7 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV What Research Says About Connecting with Customers n Dissatisfied customers will tell as many as 16 other people about a bad experience. n Only 4% of unhappy customers bother to complain. For every complaint we hear, 24 complaints are communicated to others but not to us. n In the eyes of a customer, it takes 12 positive incidents to make up for every negative one. Research Institute of America, New York A.3a

8 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV A.3b Consumers are willing, even eager, to say,Anyone can make a mistake … after all, youre only human if that, in fact, is the way the company responds. Its not so much what happened but whether or not you fix it quickly, responsibly and honestly. Faith Popcorn, The Popcorn Report

9 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Can Goodwill Be Recovered? Research says: n 54-70% of customers who complain will do business with you again if their complaint is resolved. n 95% will do business with you again if their complaint is resolved quickly. A.3c

10 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Who Are Our Customers? External n Those who support or have an interest in our schools. n Those who provide services to our schools. Internal n Those with whom we work. n People in our buildings. A.4a

11 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV What We Expect as Customers n Respectful treatment. n A pleasant attitude from the salesperson or service provider. n A quality product or service for our money. n Appreciation and to be valued for our patronage. A.5a

12 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV What Our School Customers Expect n Tough standards and high expectations for achievement. n Strong academic programs complemented by arts, technology, and relevant extracurricular activities. n A safe, healthy, and caring environment for students. n An overall educational program that prepares students for success in life. A.5b

13 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Our School Customers Also Expect … n A customer-friendly atmosphere that invites and values parent and community involvement. n Highly qualified teachers and administrators and well-trained support personnel who put children first. n Schools to make wise use of financial resources. n Schools to be accountable to taxpayers. A.5c

14 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Basic Needs of Customers n Friendliness. n Understanding and empathy. n Fairness. n Control. n Information. A.6a

15 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Are We Friendly? n Do visitors to our schools feel welcome when they enter? n Are staff and students polite and courteous? n Are people smiling and do they seem as if they are enjoying their work? n What am I communicating with my body language? A.6b

16 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Customer Service in a nutshell People Helping People A.6c

17 Unlocking Sensational Service NSPRA © MMIV Inspiring Excellence… If we are to hold employees accountable for our customers perceptions, then we must provide employees with a clear understanding of how to achieve excellence. A.6d

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