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Visual Attributes in Video

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Presentation on theme: "Visual Attributes in Video"— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual Attributes in Video
Marielle Morris Update Week 6 June 30, 2017 1

2 Last Week Annotations and bounding box Basic GUI
Preliminary system functionality

3 This Week Added features User-input attributes Fast forward/rewind
Bugfixing Annotations Corrected start/stop time Scaling issues Refresh issues

4 Correcting Start-Stop Time
Using built-in “skip to time” feature Issue: scrubber broken after modifications Solution: host videos in AWS S3

5 Inconsistencies and Refresh
JavaScript “just in time” asynchronous loading Bounding box Solution: automatic refresh every step

6 Demo

7 Preliminary Test Cases
Bugs and issues Extended pause loses bounding box Inconsistencies when object leaves frame Have to scroll down Instructions Location of “Save” “Next” button

8 Next Week Finish test cases and bugfixing
Filter YT-BB – one object per video Cost analysis – S3 and AMT Uploading to S3 Publishing HITs in bulk AMT Sandbox and bugfixing Publish to AMT

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