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How do you impact our environment?

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Presentation on theme: "How do you impact our environment?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do you impact our environment?
Human Impact How do you impact our environment?

2 Declining Ozone Lies b/w 17-26km above Earth’s surface
Absorbs 99% of the UV radiation that reaches Earth Chemicals that destroy ozone: CFC’s: (coolants in refrigerators, air conditioners, and aerosol cans) Breaks down ozone Production of CFC’s has been cut and Ozone can be replenished.

3 Increasing CO2 Concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere influences how much heat from the sun is trapped in the atmosphere. Scientist believe there is a correlation between the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and temperature changes. “The Inconvenient Truth”

4 Population Growth Doubling the human population may very well mean:
increasing CO2 in the atmosphere. Decreasing the Ozone layer Clearing and burning of forests Loss of Biodiversity

5 Biodiversity Crisis Biodiversity: the variety of organisms in a given area. ~10-30 million species on Earth. Humans are causing species to become extinct much faster than in the past.

6 What is the greatest threat to biodiversity?
The rapid destruction of natural habitats to provide for the needs and wants of a growing human population. Destruction to the Rain forest is especially damaging to biodiverstiy.

7 The importance of biodiversity
Nonutilitarian value: Belief that life forms have value simply because they exist Utilitarian value: The economic benefit biodiversity provides to humans. Plants and animals can be harvested for food, trees to build homes and produce fuel.


9 Ways to save biodiversity
Debt for nature swap: poor countries pay off debt by promising to take steps to preserve it’s biodiversity. Ecotourism: having people pay to see parts of a countries ecosystem helps raise money to save biodiversity. Conservation: seeks to identify and maintain natural areas. Restoration: replacing resources where they have been diminished.

















26 Where can you get information about conservation?

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