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River Information Services

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1 River Information Services
The RIS COMEX project TROEGL Juergen

2 River Information Services
Increase safety and efficiency of Inland Waterway Transport 8 Services Multiple functions All IWT users TROEGL Juergen

3 RIS in Europe „Directive 2005/44/EC on harmonised River Information Services (RIS)“ Legal framework for the implementation of RIS Standardization of technolgies on the ship side Definition of RIS service portfolio Miniumum requirements towards implementation of RIS International: PIANC RIS Guidelines and UNECE Resolutions TROEGL Juergen

4 Status quo of RIS in Europe
Focus on harmonization of on-board technologies Focus on national implementation Basic services are compatible between countries Different service portfolios in different countries Big differences in data quality Very limited RIS data exchange between countries Users have to access multiple systems to access RIS TROEGL Juergen

5 RIS COMEX 13 countries Total budget: 26,5 M€ CEF funding: 15,6 M€ Timeframe: TROEGL Juergen

6 Project vision Define and realise RIS Corridor Management Services and transfer them into sustainable operation based on the established frameworks! TROEGL Juergen

7 RIS Corridor Management?
Information services to optimise the use of inland navigation corridors within the European Waterway Network to … enable reliable route planning (fairway information) enable reliable voyage planning (traffic informaton) support transport management (logistics information) TROEGL Juergen

8 RIS COMEX Corridors TROEGL Juergen

9 RIS COMEX in a nutshell Evolve RIS from national systems to services on Corridor level Implement RIS data exchange between RIS authorities Ensure harmonized services on transport routes Improve the added value of RIS especially for logistics users Create a single point of access for the end users Created a solid basis for data exchange with other transport modes TROEGL Juergen

10 RIS COMEX status & challenges
Specification of the detailed services Agree on the RIS COMEX architecture Data privacy Joint procurements Joint financing of operations TROEGL Juergen

11 Thank you for your attention!
viadonau Vienna, Austria TROEGL Juergen

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