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\= Mrs. Taylor’s Owl News Week of May 8-12, 2017

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1 \= Mrs. Taylor’s Owl News Week of May 8-12, 2017
Fourth Nine Weeks Skills Recognizes long vowels: a, e, i, o, u Identifies high frequency words: she, has, look, where, help, too, play, good, who, come, does Produces rhyming words Blends 4 letter words Writes correct letter for consonant and short-vowel sounds Spells simple words phonetically Counts to 100 by ones and tens Counts forward beginning from a given number Identifies 16-20 Writes numbers from 16-20 Counts and represents numbers 16-20 Given a number 11-20, make the corresponding set Compares objects as greater than, less than, or equal to Compares two written numerals between 1 and 10 Subtraction up to 10 Fluently adds and subtracts within 5 Decomposes numbers from into tens and ones Describes objects using length and weight Identifies basic needs of living things Recognizes maps and globes Reminders ~Please clean out the daily work that comes home in the folder every day. ~Please send library books to school everyday. ~Please keep practicing high frequency words at home. What Are We Learning… Reading/Language: Story for the Week: Ocean Books *Review All Letters… Identify, Sound, and Write Review All High Frequency Words: I, can, the, we, see, a, like, to, and, go, you, do, are, he, with, my, is, little, she, was, for, have, of, they, said, want, here, me, this what, too, help, has, play, where, look, who, good ~Blending 3 and 4 Letter Words Math: ~Go Math Ch. 12 Graphing ~Practice writing and identifying numbers 0-20 ~Continue to practice addition and subtraction up to 10 Science: Living Things Character Education: School Pride \= Dates to give a HOOT about… ~Wednesday, May 10th Graduation at 9:00 with a short reception following ~Thursday, May 11th AR Ends.... Please read library books at home and sign the AR sheet. ALL library books are due. ~Friday, May 12th NO SCHOOL- Weather Day ~Friday, May 19th Promotion/Retention Guidelines come home Kindergarten Field Day- Please wear the orange class shirt. Wish List ****Paper Towels**** **Elmers Glue Sticks** **Crayola Crayons** ****Kleenex**** We are still in need of these items for our classroom. We use all of these items on a daily basis. Thank you so much for your help! Contact

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