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Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian Bulgarian cross border area Project Code

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1 Risk Management for Large Scale Infrastructures in the Romanian Bulgarian cross border area
Project Code

2 Context In the past important Large Scale Infrastructure/ LSI objectives were treated with maximum of secrecy, without any consideration of social acceptance or even understanding by the involved population. The identified problem is the incremental risk factor due to the lack of knowledge and understanding of the context and functioning of LSI in the RO - BG cross border area. LSI was localized only taking in account technical and economic reasons.

3 What LSI means Dams and power plants, bridges, nuclear industry units, chemical plants, military units, waste treatment plants are LSI which generated huge anthropic hazard sources which are included eventually in emergency management plans

4 Project beneficiary Horia Hulubei National Institute for Research and Development for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) – Magurele - Romania University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev” , Bulgaria Romanian Association for Technology Transfer and Innovation (ARoTT), Craiova - Romania Business Innovation Centre INNOBRIDGE (INNOBRIDGE BIC), Ruse - Bulgaria

5 Project objective Main objective is to reduce the calculated risks generated by the public and private LSI by increasing the level o social-economic acceptance of the existing and future LSI in the RO-BG cross border area. The specific objectives are targeting Improving LSI related communication capacity of the LSI, Public Administrations, NGOs Training actual LSI managers Creating a Training system for Professional LSI managers

6 Project activities

7 A.1 Project management: A.1.1 Establishment and operation of the Project management structures A.1.2 Financial management A.1.3 Procurement Management A.1.4 Project monitoring and reporting A.1.5 Independent Audit A.1.6 Sustainability plan

8 A.2 Project information and communication activities
A2.1 Procurement equipment A2.2 Events (kick off & final conferences) A2.3 Printed promotional materials A2.4 Website A2.5 Video film production

9 A.3 Project prior activities
A.3.1 Comprehensive inventory of public and private LSI A.3.2 Assessment of LSI generated vulnerabilities, hazards and calculated risks A.3.3 Baseline and end line surveys of the target groups

10 A.4 Project core implementation activities

11 A4.1. Training for LSI and their operating environment
A LSI related public communication A Improving the LSI cooperative development planning capacities

12 A4.2. Communication A LSI communication procedures, communication plans A Info days organized by selected LSIs A Design and implementation of high tech communication tools for selected LSIs and cybersecurity

13 A4.3. Creating a training system for professional LSI managers
A4.3.1 Best practice identification in the Danube Region A Curricula development, Learning materials, peer review A Methodologies, experimental workshops, Case studies

14 Project outputs citizens accessing information about LSI and generated risks

15 Target groups Persons involved in LSI management
Civil society organizations Educational and research institutions Representatives of the local administration

16 Budget Total eligible value = 810, Euro ERDF = 688, Euro National Cofinancing = 105, Euro Total Beneficiary’s contribution = 16, Euro

17 Thank you for your attention!
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