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The Renaissance and Reformation Unit

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1 The Renaissance and Reformation Unit

2 Please copy the following definitions in your notebook:
Renaissance: The “re-birth” of renewed interest in art and learning in Europe. 2) Humanism: Renaissance movement based on the values of the ancient Greeks and Romans, such as that individuals and human society were important.

3 Please copy the following definitions in your notebook:
3) Medici Family: An influential Italian family who ran a system of banking and money lending throughout Europe at the time of the Renaissance. 4) Machiavelli: A Italian diplomat who wrote a very famous paper that decided how city-states should be governed.

4 Please copy the following definitions in your notebook:
5) City-States: Independent “kingdoms” in Italy that became very wealthy and influential. This ended the times of the nobles and landowning class. 6) Diplomacy: The art of negotiating, or making deals, with other countries.

5 Please copy the following definitions in your notebook:
7) Johannes Gutenberg: The inventor of the printing press that used moveable type. This made it possible to print books much quicker. 8) Leonardo da Vinci: One of the greatest Renaissance scientists and artists. 9) Michelangelo: An important Renaissance artist probably best known for his painting of the Sistine Chapel. 10) William Shakespeare: The greatest English writer of the Renaissance Era.

6 Please copy the following definitions in your notebook:
12) John Calvin: An English priest who opposed the corruption of the Roman Catholic church. He preached that Jesus was the only authority over Christians. 13) Indulgences: A pardon from the Catholic church for a person’s sins. These were bought and paid for with all monies going to the church. 14) Martin Luther: The leader of the Reformation. He preached that only faith, not good works, brought salvation. This led to a revolution in Christianity. 15) 95 Theses: Martin Luther’s 95 arguments against indulgences and the corruptions of the Catholic church. He sent out copies and nailed one to the door of the Wittenberg church where he worked.

7 Please copy the following definitions in your notebook:
16) Reformation: A movement to reform the Catholic church which led to the creation of Protestantism. 17) Denomination: An organized branch of Christianity. 18) Protestant: All denominations that broke away from the Roman Catholic church. Most of these are still in existence today.

8 Please copy the following definitions in your notebook:
19) Henry VIII: The English king who declared himself as head of the church of England, broke away from Catholicism, and established the Anglican church. 20) Heresy: A belief that differs from or contradicts the accepted teachings of a religion.

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