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Greek and Latin Affixes/Roots

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Presentation on theme: "Greek and Latin Affixes/Roots"— Presentation transcript:

1 Greek and Latin Affixes/Roots
Language Flashcards Greek and Latin Affixes/Roots

2 Pro- Definition: Forward Example: Progress

3 -less Definition: Without Example: Sleepless

4 Mon- Definition: one Example: Monarchy

5 Poly- Definition: Many Example: Polyester

6 Amphi- Definition: All sides Example: Amphibious

7 Circ, circum Definition: Round Example: Circumference

8 Bio- Definition: Life Example: Biology

9 Graph/gram- Definition: to write, draw, record Example: Graphic

10 Pre- Definition: before Example: Pretest

11 Inter- Definition: Between Example: Intercession

12 Port- Definition: To carry Example: Portable

13 Trans- Definition: cross over Example: transport

14 Super- Definition: above or over Example: Superhero

15 Post- Definition: after Example: Post-conference

16 Semi- Definition: half Example: Semi-god

17 Bi- Definition: two Example: Bifocals

18 -cide Definition: killing Example: homicide

19 Mal, male- Definition: bad Example: malfunction

20 -ist Definition: one who believes in Example: Scientist

21 Sub- Definition: Under Example: Submarine

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