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Bullying Prevention- What can you do?

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1 Bullying Prevention- What can you do?
Kameron Davis

2 What is bullying? A blustering, browbeating person; especially one who is habitually cruel, insulting, or threatening to others who are weaker, smaller, or in some way vulnerable.

3 Statistics of Bullying
77% of students are bullied mentally, verbally, & physically each year. 43% of students are cyber bullied each year. This statistic has been rapidly increasing. Every one in five students will admit to doing an act of bullying each year. Each day 160,000 students miss school for fear of being bullied.

4 Where does bullying occur?
Bullying occurs inside and outside of the classroom. Educators are among the first line of defense in the fight against school bullying. However, bullying also occurs at home. There are different branches of bullying.

5 Branches of Bullying (most recognizable)
Physical Bullying Verbal Bullying Physical bullying is the act of physically touching someone in a way they do not permit. Includes: hitting, spitting, kicking, pinching, pushing, property damage, etc. Verbal bullying is a type of bullying that comes from speech. Includes: name calling, insults, teasing, racists/homophobic remarks, intimidation, etc.

6 Branches of Bullying (Hardest to Recognize)
Social Bullying Cyber bullying Cyber bullying is the act of using any type of media or internet platform/device to bully someone. Includes: abusive/hurtful messages, excluding others online, spreading lies/rumors, imitating someone else online, etc. Social bullying is a type of bullying that is done behind someone's back to damage their reputation or cause humiliation. Includes: spreading rumors/lies, encouraging others to exclude, playing nasty jokes, etc.

7 Is Bullying a Crime? The act of any type of bullying is a crime punishable by law. All fifty states in the United States have passed school anti-bullying legislation, the first being Georgia in 1999.

8 What Can Be Done? As parents and educators, we can watch out for bullying in our schools and homes with our school aged children.

9 What Can YOU Do? Parents Educators
As an educator, you can stop the slightest bit of bulllying you see before it ever gets bad. You can let your children know they can come to you if they are being bullied. You can make your children aware of the seriousness of bullying. As a parent, you can talk to your children. Do not condone bullying and be alert to signs if your child is being bullied. Communication and monitoring is key!!!

10 If you Suspect Bullying Occurring…
If you are a parent, tell someone. Even if it is happening outside of the school system, the school system is able to do something about this serious matter. The internet is a great way to find resources for help. If you are an educator, tell an administrator. Sometimes, you can handle a minimal problem alone, but if there is an administrator available to help you deal with this it is highly suggested.

11 How to Aid a Child Who is a Victim to Bullying
Listen to the child. Never dismiss their problems as them not being tough enough to deal with an issue themselves. Let them know they are not alone. Let them know it is not their fault. Praise the child for coming to you. Let someone know that is a higher rank than you, so something can be done immediately.

12 How to Aid a Child Who is Bullying
Address the situation immediately. With the child, determine the root cause of the behavior. Remind you child that bullying is a choice, and it is never the right one. Develop logical consequences. Teach your child some new ways to handle situations. A school system or counselor/psychiatrist can aid in this. Avoid shaming the child. Prevent future bullying cases by monitoring.

13 References (bullying definition) (bullying statistics) (types of bullying) (bullying prevention for parents and educators) (aiding a child who has fallen victim to bullying) (aiding a child who is a bully)

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