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Local Government Powers

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1 Local Government Powers
SOL 8b & 8c

2 All powers of local governments in Virginia are given to them by the Constitution of Virginia and acts of the General Assembly.

3 Not all counties and cities are given the same powers
Not all counties and cities are given the same powers. Cities have charters listing their powers.

4 Counties, cities, and towns adopt and enforce ordinances to provide services for their residents.

5 An elected board of supervisors is the local legislative body in counties and is responsible for passing laws (ordinances) for the county.

6 An elected council is the local legislative body in independent cities and incorporated towns.

7 ` Individuals can have the greatest influence on the decisions made by local government officials.

8 Review Quiz

9 Where do powers of the local governments come from in Virginia?
Virginia Constitution Acts of the General Assembly

10 Where are city powers listed?

11 Why do counties, towns, and cities adopt and enforce ordinances?
To provide services for their residents

12 What is the local legislative body for counties?
Board of Supervisors

13 What is the legislative body for a town or city?

14 Where can individuals have the greatest influence on government?

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