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Presentation on theme: "CELLULAR RESPIRATION I. Cellular Energy"— Presentation transcript:

Food contains usable energy. Much of the energy is stored in proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. But before you can use it, it must be transferred to ATP through a process called cellular respiration. aerobic respiration – metabolic process that requires oxygen anaerobic respiration – metabolic process that does not require oxygen

2 II. Cellular Respiration
Cellular respiration is the process cells use to harvest the energy in organic compounds, particularly glucose. enzymes C6H12O6 + 6O CO2 + 6H2O + ATP glucose

3 Stages of Cellular Respiration:
Stage 1: Breakdown of Glucose The primary fuel for cellular respiration is glucose (C6H12O6).

4 Glycolysis – the break down of glucose in the cytoplasm; glycolysis uses 2 ATP but produces 4 ATP for a total net gain of 2 ATP and pyruvate

5 Stage 2: Production of ATP
When oxygen is present pyruvate produced by glycolysis enters a mitochondria and is converted into ATP through a series of enzyme-assisted chemical reactions.

6 Cellular Respiration Stage 2 – Mitochondria Stage 1 - Cytoplasm *O2 is
needed Stage 1 - Cytoplasm

7 Two types of Fermentation:
Fermentation – occurs when O2 is not present Two types of Fermentation: 1. lactic acid fermentation – during vigorous exercise pyruvate in muscle cells is converted to lactate; lactate or lactic acid can build up causing muscle soreness. 2. alcoholic fermentation – pyruvate is broken down into ethanol, this occurs in the preparation of food and beverages (wine, beer, and bread dough)

8 Summary of Cellular Respiration
Production of ATP Glycolysis 2 ATP ATP *aerobic *anaerobic 34 ATP ATP Total 36 ATP Total 2 ATP Oxygen present Oxygen not present

9 Cellular Respiration Enters mitochondria Up to 2 ATP

10 Which metabolic process is shown at letter B?

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