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Something produced by mixing different breeds.

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Presentation on theme: "Something produced by mixing different breeds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Something produced by mixing different breeds.
mongrel “Jenn’s dog was a purebred, but Joe’s was a mongrel; no one knew what kind of dog it was.”

2 “Adults and teens often have disparate tastes in music.”
Distinct or not alike disparate “Adults and teens often have disparate tastes in music.”

3 ostracize To exclude or separate from society.
“The bully was ostracized by his classmates for his cruelty.”

4 A riddle or puzzle. conundrum
“Harry had to solve the Sphinx’s conundrum to reach the Goblet of Fire.”

5 Designed to cause fires.
incendiary “The fires were started by incendiary grenades.”

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