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Manifest Destiny.

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Presentation on theme: "Manifest Destiny."— Presentation transcript:

1 Manifest Destiny

2 Settling the Frontier Expansion grips the country Manifest Destiny
Economic possibilities

3 Trails West Santa Fe Trail (780 miles) Covered wagons Oregon Trail
“Prairie Schooners”

4 The Mormon Migration Joseph Smith (founder on Mormonism)
Smith murdered by an anti-mormon mob Brigham Young Salt Lake City

5 Texan land grants Mexico encourages Americans to settle Texas
Cheap Land Stephen F. Austin Texas’s Old Three Hundred

6 Texas Revolution Cultural differences with Tejanos
Mexico abolished slavery Santa Anna “If I were God, I would wish to be more.”

7 The Alamo Mission and fort in San Antonio Texas declares independence
13 day siege Sam Houston Treaty of Velasco

8 War with Mexico Texas Annexation President James K. Polk
Wanted New Mexico and California Mexico doesn't receive ambassador

9 The War Begins US invades California War officially declared
Contingent sent to Santa Fe New Mexico won without shots being fired

10 Republic of California
American settlers seize Sonoma General Fremont US takes control of California


12 America Wins the War American victories in Mexico War lasts a year
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo US gives $15 million for Mexican cession Gadsden Purchase (10 Million)

13 California Gold Rush Gold discovered at Sutter’s Mill 1848
News spread quick Mass Migration Westward Population exceeded 100,000 Forty-niners Asians, European, South Americans

14 The Golden Economy Gold financed farming, manufacturing, shipping, and banking More newspapers San Francisco Rush over by 1853 $2 Billion in Gold Found

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