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Test Taking Strategies for the Social Studies AHSGE

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1 Test Taking Strategies for the Social Studies AHSGE
Many of the questions on the social studies AHSGE will ask you to recall facts and definitions. One way to answer these questions is to use the process of elimination. Using the process of elimination, you rule out answer choices you know are wrong. Then, choose the best answer from the answer choices that remain. Dr. Patrick Cain SEHS Assistant Principal Elmore County Schools Mrs. Julie Turner School Improvement Specialist Dothan City Schools

2 Process of Elimination
Use the following guidelines to help you eliminate the wrong answer choices. Find a statement that does not make sense and eliminate it. Eliminate an answer that states the opposite of what the paragraph says. Look for something in the answer choice that is not mentioned in the paragraph.

3 Let's Practice Directions: Read the selection on the following slides. Complete the activity that follows.

4 The Civil War: Comparing North and South
When the war began, both sides had advantages and disadvantages. How hey used those strengths and weaknesses helped to determine the war’s outcome. The North enjoyed the advantages of a larger population to support the war effort, more industry, and more abundant resources than the South. The North also benefited from a better banking system that helped finance the war, a larger navy which was used to blockade Southern ports, and a more extensive and efficient railway network. Disadvantages faced by the North included the need to invade the South and maneuver among a hostile population, a difficult task for any military force. Furthermore, public opinion in the North was divided over the war, and support for the war effort remained shaky until very near the end. One of the main advantages the south had was the strong support of its white population gave the war. Southerners also had the advantage of fighting on familiar territory—defending their land, their homes, and their way of life. At least at first, Southern military leadership was superior to the North’s. The South had a large pool of well-trained officers. The South faced material disadvantages. It had a smaller population, possessed fewer factories, and produced less food than the North. Moreover, with less than half the miles of railroad track and fewer trains, the Confederate government had difficulty supplying its troops.

5 Choose the correct answer.
Which of the following was an advantage for the South? A. Larger population B. More industry C. Extensive railway network D. Familiar territory Step 1. The question asks you to recall a key point from the reading. Do not try to memorize the reading, just read it carefully once and then review it to answer the questions. If you look back at the passage, it will help you choose the right answer. Now you can use the process of elimination. For each answer choice, use the following checklist to eliminate wrong answer choices. Is this answer choice correct? Yes, it is correct, I’ll read the other answer choices just in case. No, it is not correct because __________________________. I don’t know. I’ll keep it and read the other answer choices. Step 2. Which answer choices remain? If more than one answer remains, review the paragraph to answer the question. Use the most logical answer.

6 Choose the correct answer.
Which of the following was an advantage for the South? A. Larger population B. More industry C. Extensive railway network D. Familiar territory Step 1. The question asks you to recall a key point from the reading. Do not try to memorize the reading, just read it carefully once and then review it to answer the questions. If you look back at the passage, it will help you choose the right answer. Now you can use the process of elimination. For each answer choice, use the following checklist to eliminate wrong answer choices. Is this answer choice correct? Yes, it is correct, I’ll read the other answer choices just in case. No, it is not correct because __________________________. I don’t know. I’ll keep it and read the other answer choices. Step 2. Which answer choices remain? If more than one answer remains, review the paragraph to answer the question. Use the most logical answer.

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