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The Chancellor’s Office Task Force on Accreditation Report

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1 The Chancellor’s Office Task Force on Accreditation Report
Stephen Blum, Trustee, Ventura CCD Rich Hansen, Secretary, FACCC Pam Walker, Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs, CCCCO Craig Rutan, Area D Representative 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session

2 Ideal Attributes of a Regional Accreditor
The accreditor emphasizes improvement rather than compliance. The accreditor demonstrates collegiality and consistency in all of its actions with member institutions and constituent groups. Accreditation reports that indicate deficiencies include clear expectations for correction and allow reasonable opportunities for improvement. 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA

3 Ideal Attributes of a Regional Accreditor
The accrediting process and accreditor actions and decisions are transparent. The regional accreditor demonstrates and maintains consistency with federal accreditation mandates and regional accreditor peers. The accreditor provides quality training to commissioners, visiting team members, and member institutions that is inclusive of all groups involved in the accreditation process. 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA

4 Ideal Attributes of a Regional Accreditor
The accreditor is responsive to and collaborates with CCC constituent groups. The accreditor respects the roles and responsibilities of college and system constituent groups. Member institutions have a formal process for periodic evaluation of the accreditor. 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA

5 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA
What’s Next? Q & A 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA

6 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA
What are concrete, best practices the current or future accrediting agency should employ? What would you like to see? 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA

7 ASCCC Resources on Accreditation
Effective Practices In Accreditation: A Guide for Faculty “Looking Forward: the Chancellor’s Office Task Force On Accreditation Report” Rostrum, November 2015 Local Senates Handbook Accreditation and Assessment Committee Accreditation Institute, February 19-20, 2015, San Diego 2015 ASCCC Fall Plenary Session Irvne, CA

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