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DATA DOWNLOADING Introduction and Course Content

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Presentation on theme: "DATA DOWNLOADING Introduction and Course Content"— Presentation transcript:

1 DATA DOWNLOADING Introduction and Course Content
Session 1

2 Session Objectives Outline the objectives of the Data Downloading module Outline the sessions in this module Introduce the lecturer and the trainees Inform the trainees of administrative arrangements

3 Course Administration
Course administrator Messages Ladies/Gents washrooms Lunch, tea and coffee Smoking Delegate/trainee introductions

4 Introduction to data downloading techniques
Module Objectives Introduction to data downloading techniques Issues relevant to data downloading Tools available and when to use Not tool-specific; to be supplemented by Full-fledged training modules; and/or Case studies Targeted at Level 2/3 skills of IT Audit Curriculum

5 What will the trainee understand during the course ?
Different methods of computer data and character representation; Different methods of structured data storage; Phased approach to data downloading; Integration between CAATs and data downloading; Different methods of data transfer; Objectives of, and approaches to data verification and reconciliation;

6 What will the trainee understand ? (Contd.)
Need for data manipulation and conversion, and available tools; Data download request to auditee; Testing, documentation and organisation of data download function; and As examples Downloading Oracle data Data definition using ACL 7

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