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NSQF-National skill qualification framework

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Presentation on theme: "NSQF-National skill qualification framework"— Presentation transcript:

1 NSQF-National skill qualification framework
A quality education framework Competency based skill framework Links one level of learning to another Its aim is to provide:-:-

2 Vocational education in Himachal
Vocational education in Himachal Pradesh was started in in 100 schools with initially 5 trades i.e. Physical Security Retail Automobile Healthcare IT/ITES

3 Industrial /Field Visit Chart Scrapbooks Model
Activities under NSQF Programme for academic year in r/o of GSSS Chanawag. Vocational Education IT/ITES Chanawag Activities:- Guest Lecture Industrial /Field Visit Chart Scrapbooks Model

4 Details of Guest lecture of GSSS Chanawag held in the Academic year st Guest lecture GSSS Chanawag *1st Guest Lecture held in May 2017 * Lecturer Smt . Manju Gautam

5 2nd Guest lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*Guest Lecture held in June 2017. *Lecturer Mr. Dharmender Sharma

6 3rd Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*3rd Guest Lecture of 9th Class Student held in August *Lecturer :- Mr Lalit

7 3rd Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*3trd Guest Lecture of 10th class held in August 2017. *Lecturer :- Miss Renu Sharma

8 4th Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18.
*4th Guest Lecture held in September 2017. * Lecturer :- Mr. Vijay Kumar

9 5th Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*5th Guest Lecture held in October 2017. *Lecturer :- Mr. Arun Rawat

10 6th Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*6th Guest Lecture held in November *Lecturer:-Uma Devi

11 7th Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*7th Guest Lecture held in December 2017. *Lecturer:- MissAnjna Thakur

12 8th Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*8th Guest Lecture held in January 2017 *Lecturer :- Mr Virender Kumar

13 9th Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*9th Guest Lecture held in February * Lecturer :- Saurabh Sharma

14 10th Guest Lecture GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*10th Guest Lecture held in February 2017. *Lecturer:- Smt. Nirmala Devi

15 1st Industrial / Fied Visit GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
1st Industrial /Field Visit of 9th class held at Post Office Chanawag .

16 1st Industrial / Field visit GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*1st Industrial /Field Visit of 10th Class Student at Kamaksha Computer Education Center Chandi.

17 2nd Industrial/ Field Visit GSSS Chanawag
2nd Industrial Visit held at Jogindra Cooprative Bank Shalaghat,Tehsil Arki,Distt. Solan.

18 3rd Industrial /Field Visit
3rd Industrial/ Field Visit held at ITI Arki Distt. Solan H.P

19 Chart Prepared by Student of GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*Chart Prepared by Student on the topic of IT/ITES Subject Under NSQF Programme

20 Scrapbook Presentation GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
*Scrapbooks prepared by Student under Vocational Education IT/ITES for the year

21 Model Presentation by student of GSSS Chanawag 2017-18
Model Prepared by Student of IT/ITES Chanawag


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