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Apache Cordova What is it ? Platforms Development Architecture Plugins

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Presentation on theme: "Apache Cordova What is it ? Platforms Development Architecture Plugins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Apache Cordova What is it ? Platforms Development Architecture Plugins

2 Apache Cordova – What is it ?
A mobile development framework Cross platform development Uses HTML, CSS, Javascript Implement applications as web pages Access native functionality via Javascript API's Released via Apache V2 License

3 Apache Cordova – Platforms
Apache Cordova is available for Amazon fireos Android Blackberry 10 Firefox OS IOS Ubuntu Windows Phone 7 Windows Phone 8 Windows 8 Tizen

4 Apache Cordova – Development
Version 3 of Cordova offers two workflows Web Project Multi Platform Minimal redevelopment Minimal platform specific development Uses Cordova CLI for abstraction Native Platform Single platform Native development Difficult to make multi platform Need to use Plugman for each platform

5 Apache Cordova – History
What is Apache Cordova's history ? Developed as PhoneGap Adobe purchase Nitobi – Oct 2011 PhoneGap given to Apache Renamed Cordoba

6 Apache Cordova – Pros and Cons
What are Cordova's Benefits ? Develop once Multi platform compatible Port web apps to mobile Access native functionality via API's What is the possible down side Lost / inaccessible native features Less rich UI style

7 Apache Cordova – Plugins
What Plugins are available for Apache Cordova ? Battery Geolocation Camera Globalisation Console In App Browser Contacts Media Device Media Capture Device Motion Network Information Device Orientation Splash Screen Dialogs Vibration File File Transfer

8 Apache Cordova – Architecture

9 Contact Us Feel free to contact us at
We offer IT project consultancy We are happy to hear about your problems You can just pay for those hours that you need To solve your problems


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