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Parts of a Map All of these terms will be used throughout the semester and are fair game for any assessments.

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of a Map All of these terms will be used throughout the semester and are fair game for any assessments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of a Map All of these terms will be used throughout the semester and are fair game for any assessments.

2 Title - the heading of a map --- Tells what the map is about

3 Map Key – Maps have symbols that stand for things that are drawn on a map.

4 Compass Rose - a circle or shape showing the principal directions printed on a map or chart

5 Scale – shows a way to measure distance on a map

6 define the coordinate system –latitude/longitude
Grid – define the coordinate system –latitude/longitude

7 World History Timeline
Fold your paper in half hotdog style Use the center fold to draw a line like this:

8 World History Timeline
Add the following reference points: Date ??? Year 0 Present Day

9 World History Timeline
Cut out the various pieces from your green half sheet

10 World History Timeline
Glue the different pieces onto your timeline FROM Year 0 Date ??? Present Day

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