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Into The Wild Day 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Into The Wild Day 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Into The Wild Day 2

2 Finish the Following Sentences:
The best part about winter break was… The worst part about winter break was...

3 Objective! Today I Will: Read chapters 8-10 in Into the Wild and begin working on my study questions So that I can: Write a chapter summaries for each chapter in Into the Wild I’ll know I’ve got it when: I have completed every in-class activity and completed one chapter summary.

4 Agenda Create a new section in your folder for Into the Wild (can get a divider over break or a notebook with a 3-hole punch) Vocab preview Let’s Read Chapter 8-10 summary Study Questions Work independently

5 Write down each word. Look up it’s definition on Dictionary. com
Write down each word. Look up it’s definition on Then use it in a sentence. Ch. 8-10: Hubris 
requisite humility contrived asceticism theatrics enigmatic compulsive copious circuitous labyrinth amboyant ephemeral overwrought

6 Let’s Read!! Take this time to begin reading chapters 8-10 in the book. You may work on your summaries while you read or do them after each chapter, whichever you prefer. 1 Chapter summary MUST be complete by the end of class today.

7 Chapter Summaries Title of chapter, date you completed reading it (use post-its to annotate) Characters that are introduced - who are they? What is their role in the story Location: where is Chris McCandless in this chapter? Write a short summary of his journey so far. Summarize the chapter: What major events occurred? What did you learn about Chris? Connect the text to yourself: what would you do if you were in his situation? What literary devices have you discover as you read?Consider tone, mood, imagery, personification, symbolism, etc. DO NOT try to copy off of sparknotes or wikipedia. I’ll know.

8 Homework & Upcoming Dates
Chapters 8-10 by Wednesday Jan.18th Chapters by Friday Jan. 20th Chapter summaries (8-14) checked on Friday, Jan. 20th Study Questions for Ch by Friday Jan. 20th Chapters & Epitaph, Summaries, and ch. 11-epitaph Study Questions DUE THE BEGINNING OF CLASS Jan. 27th UNIT TEST: Friday, January 27th. Do not be absent. Unexcused absences CANNOT make up the test. TIP: answer study questions as you read! Do not procrastinate

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