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Title III and ELPAC Information

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1 Title III and ELPAC Information
March 2015

2 LPLO Update Elena Fajardo, Language Policy and Leadership Office, CDE
Embargoed Pre-Release of Preliminary Data AMAOs 1 and 2 based on 2014 CELDT. DRM will close March 19, 2015. CALPADS data extraction April 10, 2015 to prepare TIII reports.

3 LPLO Update Elena Fajardo, Language Policy and Leadership Office, CDE
AMAO 3: Pending AYP decision. Title III Plan annual update. By June 30, 2015 LEAs must have an updated LEA plan (Goal 2) that includes an annual budget plan. Must show allocation of full grant amount. Enter URL link in CARS.

4 ELPAC Update ELPAC Timeline Opportunities for Input ELPAC Overview
Lily Roberts, Interim Division Director, Assessment Development and Administration Division ELPAC Timeline Opportunities for Input ELPAC Overview ELPAC Regulations Proposed appeal process. Contact Information: English Language Proficiency Assessments Office Phone:



7 Standards are the basis (always begin with standards)
Assessments Initial = Screener (short version; not part of accountaiblity) Annual = Spring (part of accountability) Intend to reduce “misclassifications”

8 Notes (captured based on BCN presenter, Gaye Lauritzen): These will NOT be revised CELDT regulations. They will be BRAND NEW regulations. This is based on national conversations (Common definition of ELs, DOJ/ED guidance, ELs/SWDs conversations, input from field). Overview of key points of proposed regulations: Must be in place for field test Language Use Survey (will this give us less “misclassification” than the HLS)? Locally scored initial assessment (cut points to ensure more accurate classification) Appeal process (Period of 45 days - based on national conversation - in which an LEA has 10 days to let parents know that they have right to appeal; Parent has 15 days to respond; 30 days for LEAs to respond)

9 NOTES (captured based on BCN presenter):
REMINDER: This is a draft. Example of the appeal process. Working closely with CALPADS to address correct coding as part of regulations Language Use Survey (HLS) within 10 days LEA has 30 days to administer and score ELPAC initial assessment (before 10/1) LEA has 10 days to notify parents of EL designation and their right to appeal This begins the 45 day appeal period 15 days window for parent request to appeal 30 days to respond, gather evidence Can be changed from EL to IFEP (or, on a more rare occasion, EL or EO) Student “should” be receiving services until the appeal is granted Question: Will this tie to UCP? Uncertain at this time.

10 SWDs: Based on national discussions.
If students have another language, you DO have to address English proficiency Assessment window: Proposing Feb 1 - May 31 We understand that it overlaps with CAASPP Several counties with large migrant populations requested later windows because students don’t arrive until spring. Summative will give AMAO1 data (not initial) Reclassification If they don’t meet criterion on “initial” assessment but then meet criterion on “annual” in the Spring, then they might meet in Spring to be reclassification eligible (we don’t want them to be “stuck” with a inaccurate label)

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