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Presentation on theme: "Mutations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutations

2 What are mutations? - A permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene.

3 How can DNA become mutated?
Mutations can be inherited. If a parent has a mutation on his/her DNA, the mutation is passed to his/her children. Mutations can be acquired. This happen when environmental agents damage DNA (ex. radiation) or when mistakes occur as a cell copies its DNA.

4 A Normal Gene

5 A Mutated Gene

6 Types of Mutations

7 Mutations… happen. They happen with great regularity.
Almost all mutations are neutral. Of the remainder, whether they are beneficial or harmful depends on the circumstances.

8 Harmful Human Mutations
Huntington’s Disease Werewolf Syndrome or Congenital Generalized Hypertrichosis Fragile X Syndrome

9 Animal Mutations Naked Mole Rat White Alligator

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