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Vocabulary Week 11.

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1 Vocabulary Week 11

2 gallantry Heroic courage; respect and courtesy

3 cite To quote; to mention; to summon to appear in court

4 belated Late; tardy

5 delve To dig; to search deeply and thoroughly into

6 appease To make calm, soothe; to relieve or satisfy

7 decoy A person or thing used to lure into a trap

8 impart To make known, tell; to give, pass something on

9 calamitous Causing great misfortune

10 conventional In line with accepted ideas or standards

11 ensue To follow in order; to come immediately after and as a result

12 milieu The setting, surroundings, or environment

13 shiftless Lazy; lacking in ambition and energy; inefficient

14 mediate To bring about an agreement between persons or groups; to act as a go-between (middle man)

15 pert High-spirited; lively; bold

16 regale To feast or entertain agreeable

17 taint A stain or spot; a mark of corruption or dishonor

18 judicious Using or showing good judgement; wise; sensible

19 quirk Peculiar way of acting; a sudden twist or turn

20 outlandish Strange; freakish, weird, foreign looking

21 overbearing Domineering; bullying; overpowering

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