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What are the key issues related to your Local Action Project?

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Presentation on theme: "What are the key issues related to your Local Action Project?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What are the key issues related to your Local Action Project?
In no more than 3 sentences, briefly describe what the key issues are for your Local Action Project. What evidence can you point to that proves these issues are important? Provide a variety of sources and identify in your collection whether the source has any biased viewpoints. Evidence should be:  Facts and figures highlighting the importance Money speaks so what costs are involved Quotes from influential people Public opinion References of your information You will need to ensure that you reference your sources. This is necessary for you to present a balanced final view. Add the web-link here with a title that identifies what it is. For Example, "News article on …" Local Action Project

2 Finding this Power Point
Click on the Files TAB Click on the Action Project folder Here’s the resources.

3 How to find the lessons document in Assignment

4 How to fill in the lessons document in Assignment
Open the document in “Edit in Word” NOT “Edit in Browser” If you can’t find this option ask me.

5 Researching in Word NOT in browser
At the top of Word “Tell me what you want to do” type RESEARCHER Type some command words for your project. Researcher will find articles and websites for you.

6 How to add a citation (quote) to your work
Once you have found your articles and evidence for your Local Action Project, Add the source as a citation. Choose where in the document you want this citation to go. Click the + button at the top of the evidence. This creates a heading. Copy and paste the quote you want. You can add this citation to your Bibliography. Remember, you are expected to SUMMARISE your research NOT copy and paste the whole thing.

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