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Darwin - Quiz Bianca Stöttner.

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Presentation on theme: "Darwin - Quiz Bianca Stöttner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Darwin - Quiz Bianca Stöttner

2 Who was Charles Darwin? a) Physician b) Biologist c) Politician

3 Sorry, go back!! FALSE

4 GREAT!! Charles Darwin was an ENGLISH BIOLOGIST.

5 When was he born? a) 12 th February 1809 b) 21 st February 1908
c) 2 nd February 1807

6 Sorry, go back!! FALSE

7 GREAT!! He was born on the 12th FEBRUARY in 1809.

8 How long took his expedition?
a) 10 years b) 2 years c) 5 years

9 Sorry, go back!! FALSE

10 GREAT!! His expedition took 5 YEARS.

11 Whom did he marry? a) Cousin Susan Darwin b) Cousin Emma Wedgwood
c) Cousin Elizabeth Perkingson

12 Sorry, go back!! FALSE


14 What was the name of the ship for his expedition?
a) Beagle b) Beegl c) Baegle

15 Sorry, go back!! FALSE

16 GREAT!! The name of the ship was BEAGLE.

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