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Group 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Group 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Group 1

2 VO What is a ?

3 VO What is a ? Voice Over

4 VO What is a ? Voice Over + Script Pictures

5 VO Assignments How many VOs will my team write this quarter?

6 VO Assignments How many VOs will my team write this quarter?
What are the categories?

7 VO Assignments How many VOs will my team write this quarter?
What are the categories? Tetzlaff News Local News (City/County) State News U.S. News World News

8 Group 2

9 VO organizing the Getting organized

10 VO organizing the 1. Open the STUDIO SHORTCUT icon on the desktop

11 VO organizing the 1. Open the STUDIO SHORTCUT icon on the desktop
2. Open the VO FOLDER icon on the studio folder

12 VO organizing the 1. Open the STUDIO SHORTCUT icon on the desktop
2. Open the VO FOLDER icon on the studio folder 3. Go to your TEAM FOLDER inside the VO

13 VO organizing the 1. Open the STUDIO SHORTCUT icon on the desktop
2. Open the VO FOLDER icon on the studio folder 3. Go to your TEAM FOLDER inside the VO 4. Create your VO FOLDER inside the Team Folder -ALL files for your VO go in here.

14 Group 3

15 VO SCRIPT Writing the story

16 VO SCRIPT Create script in MS Word

17 VO SCRIPT Create script in MS Word Must contain the Big 6
-Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How

18 VO SCRIPT Create script in MS Word Must contain the Big 6
-Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How NO PLAGIARISM! -Not even a sentence!

19 VO SCRIPT Create script in MS Word Must contain the Big 6
-Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How NO PLAGIARISM! -Not even a sentence! Must list your sources

20 VO SCRIPT Create script in MS Word Must contain the Big 6
-Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How NO PLAGIARISM! -Not even a sentence! Must list your sources Save to your VO folder

21 VO SCRIPT Portion of an article published at:
According to the survey, teens are very attached to their mobile phones. Fully one half of those surveyed said they would rather have their TV privileges restricted than their mobile phone use, while more than a quarter (27 percent) indicated they would prefer to have Web access or use of iPods limited rather than have their mobile phones taken away. Rewrite this without plagiarizing

22 Group 4

23 VO PICTURES Getting the picture

24 VO PICTURES 1. Take your own pictures

25 VO PICTURES 1. Take your own pictures
2. Use pictures from the Internet -must list your sources on script

26 VO PICTURES 1. Take your own pictures
2. Use pictures from the Internet -must list your sources on script 3. Picture sizes: Min. 500x500

27 VO PICTURES 1. Take your own pictures
2. Use pictures from the Internet -must list your sources on script 3. Picture sizes: Min. 500x500 4. Save pictures to VO folder

28 VO naming the Getting it named

29 VO naming the 1. Give folder, script, and pictures the SAME NAME.

30 VO naming the 1. Give folder, script, and pictures the SAME NAME.
2. Keep name to one or two words.

31 VO naming the 1. Give folder, script, and pictures the SAME NAME.
2. Keep name to one or two words. 3. Pictures will be followed by a number for preference. -DO NOT use spaces or hyphens

32 Group 5

33 VO finalizing the Finalizing for TV

34 VO finalizing the STUDIO SHORTCUT (On Desktop)

35 VO finalizing the STUDIO SHORTCUT VO FOLDER (On Desktop)


37 VO finalizing the STUDIO VO TEAM NAME (On Desktop) (Name of file)

38 VO finalizing the phone
phone.doc Image1a celltalk 347Z09e Rename the photos with the file name followed by a number in the order you want them. verizon Teen_phone

39 VO finalizing the phone phone.doc phone1 phone2 phone3 phone4 phone5

40 VO finalizing the NEWS Tetzlaff phone NEWS Local You will transfer complete folder to appropriate news folder on Live in 5 Flash Drive. NEWS State NEWS U.S. NEWS World

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