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2014 State Accountability Ratings

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Presentation on theme: "2014 State Accountability Ratings"— Presentation transcript:

1 2014 State Accountability Ratings
Lone Star ISD This PowerPoint presentation has been designed for both campus and district use. Insert your campus/district name into the title.

2 State Accountability Ratings 4 Indexes
This illustration is intended to provide a model of how the index system is used to determine the rating of a campus/district.

3 Index 1 Student Achievement
Each section of powerpoint is color-coded to correspond with the colors used on the Accountability Summary. We have included slides that will allow you to provide a brief overview of the accountability system.

4 Index 1 All Students

5 Index 1 Assessments Science Reading/ELA Math Social Studies Writing

6 Index 1 How assessments are included in the calculations
1 point for each “Met Standard”

7 Index 1 Comparison To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2014 data. The chart will adjust automatically.

8 Index 2 Student Progress

9 Students with Disabilities English Language Learners
Index 2 Each Race/ Ethnicity Students with Disabilities English Language Learners All Students

10 Index 2 Assessments Science Reading/ELA Math Social Studies Writing

11 Index 2 How assessments are included in the calculations
2 Points for each “Exceeded” 1 Point for each “Met”

12 Index 2 Comparison To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2014 data. The chart will adjust automatically.

13 Index 3 Closing Performance Gaps

14 Economically Disadvantaged Students
Index 3 Economically Disadvantaged Students Two lowest performing Race/ Ethnicity from 2013

15 Index 3 Assessments Science Reading/ELA Math Social Studies Writing

16 Index 3 How assessments are included in the calculations
2 Points for each Level III Advanced 1 Point for each “Met”

17 Index 3 Comparison To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2014 data. The chart will adjust automatically.

18 Index 4 Postsecondary Readiness

19 Index 4: STARR Postsecondary Readiness
Each Race/ Ethnicity All Students

20 Index 4 Assessments Science Reading/ELA Math Social Studies Writing

21 Index 4 How assessments are included in the calculations
1 Point for each final Level II

22 Index 4: Graduation Rates
Each Race/ Ethnicity Students with Disabilities English Language Learners All Students

23 Index 4 How Graduation Rates are included in the calculations
4-year or 5-year Graduation Rate

24 Index 4: High School Diploma Plans
Each Race/ Ethnicity All Students

25 Index 4 How Diploma Plans are included in the calculations
Recommended/Distinguished Diploma Rate

26 Index 4: College Ready Graduates
All Students

27 Index 4 How College Readiness is included in the calculations
Percent of College-Ready Graduates

28 Index 4 Composite STAAR Postsecondary Readiness
College-Ready Graduates Graduation Rates Graduation Plans

29 Index 4 Comparison To insert your data into this chart, follow these steps: Using your mouse, right click on the chart so that the whole chart is selected. Choose the “Edit Data…” option from the menu that pops up. An Excel spreadsheet will open. Enter your 2014 data. The chart will adjust automatically.

30 State Accountability Ratings
District – Campus 1 – Campus 2 –

31 Distinction Designations
Campuses Campus 1 Campus 2 Academic Achievement in Reading/ELA Information on the Distinction Designations have been added after the ratings to show that these are separate and apart from the Index system used to determine ratings.

32 Distinction Designations
Campuses Campus 1 Campus 2 Academic Achievement in Mathematics

33 Distinction Designations
Campuses Campus 1 Campus 2 Academic Achievement in Science

34 Distinction Designations
Campuses Campus 1 Campus 2 Academic Achievement in Social Studies

35 Distinction Designations
Campuses Campus 1 Campus 2 Top 25%: Student Progress

36 Distinction Designations
Campuses Campus 1 Campus 2 Top 25%: Closing Performance Gaps

37 Distinction Designations
District Campuses Campus 1 Campus 2 Postsecondary Readiness

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