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Jeopardy Family Elise Wimmer Family (continued) Shocker! Works

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Family Elise Wimmer Family (continued) Shocker! Works"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Family Elise Wimmer Family (continued) Shocker! Works
Childhood Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

2 $100 Question from Family Who was Rudyard Kipling’s Father?

3 $100 Answer from Family John Kipling

4 $200 Question from Family Who was Rudyard’s sister?

5 $200 Answer from Family Alice Kipling

6 $300 Question from Family What connection did Ruyard’s
father have with his writing?

7 $300 Answer from Family He was his sons illistrator.

8 $400 Question from Family Where did the family originally come from?

9 $400 Answer from Family Enlgand

10 $500 Question from Family Was he raised by his parents
throughout his entire childhood?

11 $500 Answer from Family No, he stayed with a foster parent in parts of his childhood so that he could go to school in England.

12 $100 Question from Family2 Who was his wife?

13 $100 Answer from Family2 Caroline Balestier

14 $200 Question from Family2 How many children did they have?

15 $200 Answer from Family2 Three

16 $300 Question from Family2 What were his children’s names and when were they born?

17 $300 Answer from Family2 1893- Had their first child Josephine
1896- Second child Elsie is born 1897- Third child John is born

18 $400 Question from Family2 Did any of his children outlive him?

19 $400 Answer from Family2 His second child Elsie was the
only child that outlived him.

20 $500 Question from Family2 How did his other two children die?

21 $500 Answer from Family2 Josephine died of pneumonia at age six. John died in the trenched of the first world war. His body was never found.

22 $100 Question from Works What was the first thing Rudyard had published?

23 $100 Answer from Works His schoolboy stories of Stalky & Co

24 $200 Question from Works Did his life experiences have an effect on his writing?

25 $200 Answer from Works Definitely! He wrote several of his stories for his own children and his abuse as a child had some affect as well.

26 $300 Question from Works About how many books did Rudyard Kipling publish?

27 $300 Answer from Works Sixty-Nine

28 $400 Question from Works What book is he most famous for?

29 $400 Answer from Works The Jungle Book

30 $500 Question from Works What award did he receive in 1907?

31 $500 Answer from Works He won the Nobel Prize for Literature

32 $100 Question from Childhood
Where did he go to school?

33 $100 Answer from Childhood
Went to school in Southsea, England

34 $200 Question from Childhood
What were his interests as a boy?

35 $200 Answer from Childhood
He was very interested in books and stories

36 $300 Question from Childhood
Was he social excepted in school?

37 $300 Answer from Childhood
No, he didn’t get along very well with any of his school mates

38 $400 Question from Childhood
How was he able to stay in England, when his parents were working in India?

39 $400 Answer from Childhood
He and his sister stayed with a foster family. Mrs. Holloway, his foster mother, abused him.

40 $500 Question from Childhood
How long was it until he was saved from his foster family?

41 $500 Answer from Childhood
It wasn’t until he was twelve that they finally took his away from the Holloways.

42 $100 Question from Shocker!
What was Rudyard named after?

43 $100 Answer from Shocker! Rudyard Lake, the place his parents met to court each other.

44 $200 Question from Shocker!
What was extraordinary about his daughters death/ illness?

45 $200 Answer from Shocker! He had pneumonia at the same time as his daughter but he recovered.

46 $300 Question from Shocker!
What offer was made to him that he turned down?

47 $300 Answer from Shocker! He was offered a knighthood and he post of British poet laureate.

48 $400 Question from Shocker!
What was a humorous even right before his death?

49 $400 Answer from Shocker! His death had been incorrectly announced in a magazine, to which he responded: "I've just read that I am dead. Don't forget to delete me from your list of subscribers."

50 $500 Question from Shocker!
Why did a lot of people think he was a Nazi?

51 $500 Answer from Shocker! Because on the cover of many of his books was a Swastika, but this was an Indian symbol meaning luck. Note- the arms of a Nazi symbol face right, the one on his books faced left.

52 Final Jeopardy What did Rudyard Kipling die from?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer Hemorrhaging in the Brain

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