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CH 11-4: Epoxide Synthesis and Reactions

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1 CH 11-4: Epoxide Synthesis and Reactions
Ring with three atoms (C, C, O) Very reactive due to ring strain Formed during the metabolism of some toxic compounds. Epoxide Synthesis: Intramolecular SN1 or SN2:

2 Reactions of Epoxides Nucleophilic substitution resulting in epoxide ring opening: (1) If acid-mediated (or catalyzed), the nucleophile adds to the most substituted carbon by anti addition. (2) If the nucleophile is a strong base (base catalyzed) all aspects of the reaction resemble SN2 (anti addition). (3) All epoxide reactions are stereospecific (anti addition). General Reaction:

3 Acid-Mediated Epoxide Ring Opening Mechanism
Acid-Mediated Epoxide Ring Opening Mechanism. Write a complete mechanism for the balanced equation below. Your mechanism must consist of a series of numbered, balanced equations for each chemical step, and curved arrows to show the movement of electron pairs. Note the regiochemistry and stereochemistry.

4 Base Catalyzed Epoxide Ring Opening Mechanism
Base Catalyzed Epoxide Ring Opening Mechanism. Write a complete mechanism for the balanced equation below. Your mechanism must consist of a series of numbered, balanced equations for each chemical step, and curved arrows to show the movement of electron pairs. Note the regiochemistry and stereochemistry.

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