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Reform leads to Terror.

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Presentation on theme: "Reform leads to Terror."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reform leads to Terror

2 Olympe De Gouges Declaration of Rights of Man did NOT apply to Women
1791 She wrote the: Declaration of the Rights of Women

3 Church and State National Assembly took control of the Church
Sold Church property to help pay debt Clergy became state employees

4 Louis XVI tries to RUN Louis XVI tries to ESCAPE to Austria
(June 1791) He is caught and put under house arrest

5 National Assembly Write Constitution Create Limited Monarchy

6 Legislative Assembly Formed in 1791under new constitution
Had power to pass laws and approve or prevent wars the King declared Louis XVI loses most power

7 What are Political Parties

8 Factions of the Legislative Assembly
Radicals Moderates Conservatives Opposed King & Monarchy Demanded a Republic Favored minor changes Favored a limited monarchy

9 Legislative Assembly Declares War on Austria
Radicals wanted to expand French Revolution to all of Europe Austria & Prussia thought it could help Louis XVI warned France NOT to hurt the KING


11 Anarchy in Paris As the Prussian troops approached Paris-- people rioted & murdered prisoners The Legislative Assembly dissolved itself and proposed new elections They said the King was “deposed”

12 National Convention New power in France Declared France a Republic
Paris is ruled by mob-rule

13 Maximilien Robespierre
Assumes leadership of Jacobins Sought to create a “Republic of Virtue” Slowly gained power

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