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How Moodle SCORM player can kill learning analytics

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1 How Moodle SCORM player can kill learning analytics
MoodleMootUS 2018 Denver, CO How Moodle SCORM player can kill learning analytics Biljana Presnall @Gradina

2 Today’s agenda NGDLE Problem Solution


4 Learning ecosystem

5 Total Learning Architecture

6 What is xAPI? The Experience Application Programming Interface (also known as xAPI, or by its original working name of Tin Can API) is a data standard for reporting learning activities. The xAPI refers specifically to how learning activities should be reported between different technical systems.

7 Moodle and xAPI Full xAPI compliance Everyone using Moodle as their primary LMS can enjoy all the benefits of learning analytics

8 So, what’s the problem? SCORM is still used for countless courses Moodle player supports only up to the 1.2 version of SCORM. Furthermore, the later editions of SCORM (2004) are more complex in their communication structure, which makes it practically impossible to use Moodle.

9 Our story and example of learning ecosystem
We needed to track SCORM communication with an LRS within the ecosystem of a multinational military-civilian exercise We had courses published with many different tools and technologies (Flash, HTML5, JavaScript...) with various structures and several SCORM standards

10 The example of learning ecosystem
We used 2 libraries inside each of the courses:        "xapiwrapper“: a JavaScript library which supports easy communication with an LRS (   "scorm2xapi": a library which transfers SCORM communication between course and an LMS to xApi statements. (

11 Moodle player At this point we got stuck with Moodle player because it doesn’t have full support for SCORM 2004 standard.

12 Sad story And Moodle killed our learning analytics effort…

13 Why Moodle needs to care?
There is plenty of content published in SCORM 2004 that is still in use with lost ability to republish Many organizations use Moodle inside their infrastructure with security limitations to seek outsourced solution

14 Solution Different LMS and different player

15 An easy option SCORM Cloud
(commercial SCORM project hosting and reporting cloud with services and API, for fast SCORM content delivery)

16 Option B To finish and upgrade the original Moodle player to meet the full SCORM 2004 standard.

17 If you choose less travelled
FYSA We have already fixed all bugs in the abandoned SCORM 2004 module and we got complete functional player for SCORM 2004 courses without sequences. (frankly- quite a bit of courses are w/o) Dan Marsden,

18 Courses with sequences
Currently we still have to debug handler functions for sequences and to write several new functions

19 The plan To finalize all the work related to Moodle player to be ready for full support for all legacy SCORM 2004 courses

20 Stay tuned This is very new work

21 Stay tuned I will be posting the updates at:
or find me trough any connection avenue including in-person This is very new work

22 More about us:
Thank you! @Gradina The Jefferson Institute is an independent research and education institute More about us:

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