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Mynd i’r afael â Difreintedd a Gwella Safonau

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Presentation on theme: "Mynd i’r afael â Difreintedd a Gwella Safonau"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mynd i’r afael â Difreintedd a Gwella Safonau
Ysgol y Castell Codi Dyheadau trwy berthnasoedd Jane Wareham Pennaeth

2 Ein hysgol Contextual information

3 Ein cymuned Position and information regarding deprivation

4 Mission statement and overall aim of yyc

5 Cynllun Gwella’r Ysgol
Priority - Staff training – attachment termly – a whole school / targeted and individualised approach to attachment SEAL / positive play – class ethos and whole school understanding and aim to support and challenge pupils

6 CYNHWYSIANT Creating a full picture of all pupil needs



9 Dadansoddi

10 Nodi

11 Map Darpariaeth Identifying needs – socially, emotionally and behaviourally Learning and physical. Within in school and as a wider context

12 Cyllideb Ensuring money is targeted and meeting the needs of all pupils

13 Defnyddio Ymchwil Use of research and sutton toolkit to identify
The Sutton Trust and EEF have helped spark an important debate on the impact of the Pupil Premium. The Toolkit has been highlighted by government, inspectors, and headteachers’ leaders as a valuable guide to what works well in schools. It is a good example of the impact that our rigorous approach to evaluation has on the education policy debate. The Trust and the EEF are ensuring that the Teaching and Learning Toolkit is widely publicised to schools, and it has been highlighted by the Department for Education on its website as a key resource for improving attainment with the Pupil Premium. Independent polling by the National Foundation for Education Research has shown that 36% of school leaders say they use the toolkit to decide spending priorities. The National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT) has recommended the Toolkit to its members.

14 Difreintedd Disgyblion
“Mae gan addysg ran sylfaenol i’w chwarae i helpu codi pobl allan o dlodi a diogelu’r rheini sydd mewn perygl o fod mewn tlodi ac o dan anfantais. Mae cysylltiad cadarn rhwng cyrhaeddiad addysgol gwael, medrau isel ac iechyd a lles gwael.” Cynllun Gweithredu Mynd i’r Afael â Thlodi £36.8 million PDG for – opportunity to secure direct funding for key initiatives to address the prime issues of socio-economic disadvantage to target inputs to activity and track resulting outputs against outcomes.

15 Darpariaeth Tiers of provision to meet all needs – constantly mapped and reviewed by all staff Universal, target groups and individualised.

16 Ymlyniad Mae meithriniad yn golygu addysgu’r plentyn gannoedd o weithiau sut i ofyn am help, sut i fyw gyda chanlyniadau dewisiadau, sut i ddysgu i ymddiried yn rhywun sydd â’r grym i’ch camdrin chi ond na fydd fyth yn gwneud hynny, ac i ddechrau teimlo’n angerddol yr ystod emosiynau sy’n digwydd o fewn teulu (ysgol) iach). (Hughes, 1997) Relationship challenged…. Our role -

17 Ymennydd iach yn erbyn Ymennydd a esgeuluswyd
Needs we can see – we adapt. Needs we cannot see – the brain is wired differently. The front part is the high level thinking. Back – shows the area that is responsible for the freeze, flight or fight Middle – limbic system – the area that is responsible for regulation / calming. WE CAN REWIRE – through relationships!

18 Ein Rôl Ehangach Opportunities for out of hours learning - range of clubs which change according to interests All staff to build relationships

19 Perthnasoedd Relationships with pupils – time, trust, listen – as our key aims – build attachment parents Positive play, language and play

20 Cysylltiadau Cymunedol
Links to the history and people from the community – Raise project Relationships with key adults in the community and cluster of schools / secondary school – visiting weekly to meet every member of staff in an informal manner whilst building relationships before transition.

21 Deilliannau’r Cyfnod Sylfaen



24 Dewi data – comparison of end of key stage 2 data

25 Deilliannau Cyfnod Allweddol 2


27 Analysis yearly of data trends with a key focus on FSM and deprivation

28 Diolch Cwestiynau Questions…..
Q & A

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