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Objects Managing a Resource

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1 Objects Managing a Resource

2 What is a Resource Respects Release/Acquire protocol
files (open/close) memory allocation (allocate/free) locks (acquire/release).

3 What is a Resource Objects when constructed, sometime acquire a resource. If designed carefully - acquire resource otherwise (when unavone oidable) will acquire several resources When an object is destructed, its resources must be released.

4 Construction of objects
Allocating - Allocating enough memory to hold the object's state Initialization - Initializing the internal state of the object. This involves 2 sub-steps: Acquiring Resources - Acquiring the necessary resources which the object requires Consistent state - Making sure that the initial state of the object is valid according to the class invariants

5 Construction of objects
RTE allocates the needed memory and calls the constructor of the class. constructor is different from normal method invocation object does not exist until the construction is finished. do not access this of object in the constructor. do not throw exceptions from the constructor…

6 destruction of the object
when an object is constructed, resources are allocated: explicitly, by the object's constructor implicitly –memory allocated to hold the object's state resources should be deallocated. programmer's responsibility of releasing the resources acquired by a process

7 destruction of the object
Releasing resources - releasing all of the resources acquired by the object during the object's lifetime and construction. Releasing memory - releasing all the memory allocated for the object

8 Who destructs what? destructing an object is shared between the RTE and the programmer: programmer releases resources acquired by constructor or during the life time RTE is responsible to release the memory allocated to hold the state of the object.

9 How to destruct? object is implicitly destructed if object is allocated on stack. when the program exits the scope of this object, the RTE will destruct the object. object allocated on the heap is destructed explicitly, by the programmer use delete operator on a pointer to the object.

10 Destruction order RTE calls a special function of the object- destructor. responsibility of the programmer to implement such a function, and release all resources acquired by the object during the object's lifetime. RTE releases memory used to hold the object's state from stack or heap

11 LifeCycle of an Object object is "born" after constructor successfully terminates. object "retired" after destructor successfully terminates. object is "alive“ following its construction and just before its destruction. object is valid only as long as the object is alive.

12 Shape Collection Example
object that holds a collection of shapes. will not create new shapes on its own will receive previously constructed shapes to store build the class…


14 C++ interface Shape is an interface as all its functions are pure virtual [=0] in declaration Pure virtual are functions that the compiler enforce us to implement. An interface in C++ is implemented by using regular inheritance (C++ multiple inheritance) /** ... */ - special tokens recognized by doxygen for auto documentation



17 Remarks class Shape - is a forward declaration
typedef is used to define new types Shapes is a type (just like int or any other class). typedef is common to replace long types to short std::vector<T> is a C++ template that holds a collection of type T.

18 Remarks add() is receiving const Shape*  - Shapes is of type vector<Shape*> => our Shapes vector cannot directly hold pointers received by add function parameter is const and the vector is not const shapes are cloned and stored in collection cant just be referenced by the collection. fits well with collection description

19 Implementation

20 Remarks assert(Shape != 0) - as Add receives a pointer it must check for nullity. check man assert shapes_.size() must be const - why?

21 Memory leak class hold clones of Shapes - responsible for releasing clones upon object destruction. add appropriate dtor to ShapeCollection


23 Remarks Destructors are declared virtual… inheritance…
If no good reason - declare each method as virtual. We added the *i=0 for educational reasons.

24 Remarks iterator is a pointer to an item of type T (here Shape*).
Dereferencing iterator returns Shape*  Dereferencing again to access a public method/member (**T)

25 Memory Addresses Aliasing

26 What is the problem? shapes passed to byVal is copied to s.
no copy-ctor implementation – default default copy constructor performs a shallow copy of the object's state. shapes_ vector of shapes is copied. shapes on the heap pointed twice: from  shapes, and from  s!!!

27 What is the problem? byVal returns - destructor is called
all the shapes of s1 are freed. shapes still holds the pointers to shape addresses in heap

28 Assignment (=) problem
same problem arises with the assignment operator every Class is a type - supports assignment. given two ShapeCollections, s1 and s2:  s1=s2 (s1=s1) exactly as you would do for an int or double.

29 Solution define copy and assignment behavior possible behaviors are:
Do not allow one or both of them Explicitly implement behavior which is consistent with the class design

30 empty behavior should be implemented with every class you write.
if later you need copy or assignment - move to second solution. How? declare copy constructor and assignment operator as private!

31 Copy copy-ctor. syntax:
given a const reference to another object of the same type (which you would not want to change) copy its state to this object state

32 Class(const Class& other) = ctor - copy behavior

33 Class(const Class& other) = ctor - copy behavior

34 Shapes::const_iterator – an iterator to a const member of the Shapes vector.

35 Assignment special method of the object: operator= syntax:
given another object of the same type (which you would not want to change) copy its state to this object's state return an L-Value - meaning return the value of the left object. make sure an object is not assigned to itself


37 need to define such behaviors on classes
someone will extend class in the future. inheritance techniques to reduce the overhead.

38 Managing Heap resource on Stack
Recall: compiler calls ctor, dtor of objects declared on the stack automatically - when the scope is entered and exited when object is copied, the compiler calls the copy constructor. same for the assignment.

39 Memory management class
follow semantics of objects on the stack create generic class to hold object's pointer upon copy or assignment will not really copy the pointer but share it. count how many times the object is being referenced not delete it (when dtor is called) until the last reference is gone.

40 shared_ptr Boost - extension to the standard template library (STL), offering many advanced utilities



43 Remarks much shorter and cleaner.
wrap the object of interest (shape*) - define a shared_ptr object on stack shared_ptr can then safely be given by value in most cases shared_ptr is exactly what we need, rather than the copy behavior

44 How does shared_ptr works?
did not supply copy or assignment behavior: default–copy by val of all object's state. collection's state is shapes_ of type vector<shared_ptr<Shape>> copy constructor of vector is called vector holds a collection of objects - shared_ptr<Shape>  (shShape) 

45 How does shared_ptr works?
Vector's copy-ctor copy by value - call shared_ptr copy-ctor – shares pointer to actual shape on the heap  shared_ptr holds a pointer and manages the reference count of this pointer shared_ptr copy-ctor and =operator - copy pointer by value manage the reference counting, together with the destructor:

46 How does shared_ptr works?
When shared_ptr<T> t1 is assigned to shared_ptr<T> t2 share two resources: the pointer managed by t1 is copied to t2, such that they now manage the same pointer.  t1 and t2 share a counter to count how many shared_ptrs are managing the same pointer. copying the pointer and sharing the counter t2 increments the reference counter by one.

47 If t2 had a pointer prior to the copy, this pointer's reference count is first decreased by one.
A similar scenario takes place upon copy construction.

48 When the dtor of shared_ptr is called - reference count is decreased.
If count reaches zero, pointer managed by shared_ptr is deleted.

49 Exceptions During Construction
problem may arise during ctor - lead to an exception being thrown exception during construction - object in an undetermined state. Re-implementing the new operator. Mastere C++

50 Exceptions During Construction
Catching exceptions in ctor itself. two major problems: construction needs to fail - no way of signaling this other than throwing an exception ourselves and can not handle out of memory exception inside ctor - will be thrown before entering ctor (by the new operator).

51 Exceptions During Construction
use the Factory design pattern; static method - in charge of initializing new objects return a pointer to a newly initialized object upon success or a null otherwise.

52 Factory Method any method whose main purpose is creation of objects.
used to allow performing dangerous operation while creating an object example: memory allocation, accessing files, publishing the object address Factory Methods in Java for immutable objects. use of factory method has a wider scope



55 Arrays and Objects how to allocate arrays of primitive types in C++
each cell of the array is initialized using the default constructor. holds also for objects.

56 Each cell of the array is initialized twice!
when the array is constructed, by using the default constructor using the assignment operator. total of 84 Shape objects created on stack

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