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Blood Vessel Functions Pg 102

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Presentation on theme: "Blood Vessel Functions Pg 102"— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood Vessel Functions Pg 102
Blood Vessels

2 What did you write? Vein Differences Artery Differences Capillary

3 Blood Color:
Blood Flow through the body

4 Labeling Tunica Intima (A.) A. Tunica Intima-- -Tunica Intima (A.)
B. Tunica Media-- -Tunica media (B.) C. Tunica Externa-- -Tunica Externa (C.)

5 Tunica Intima: Loose Connective Tissue decrease friction so blood can flow freely

6 Tunica Media: Smooth Muscle Constricts and dilates to move the blood

7 Tunica Externa: Collagen Supports(so it doesn’t collapse) Protects Connects

8 Arteries Blood flow through the arteries, veins, capillaries

9 Veins How the veins work

10 Capillaries Tunica Intima only: several pores to allow waste to enter and oxygen to leave capillary video 2 capillary video blood flow

11 Add to your T-Chart (pg 102)
Vein Differences Artery Differences Capillary Differences Artery & Vein similarities Vein & Capillary similarities 2

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