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“The Lady, or the Tiger”.

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1 “The Lady, or the Tiger”

2 Read and annotate “The Lady, or the Tiger” and respond to the following question:
At the end of the story, the author cautions the reader to carefully consider the question of whether it was the lady or the tiger that came out of the arena door. Although he never explicitly (directly) answers the question himself, he does provide evidence for both positions. Choose the best outcome that you believe is best supported by the text, and compose an argument that includes at least three textual references to support your claim using direct quotes and page numbers.

3 Evidence:*One example from the text is “___________” (Stockton #).
Body (8 sentences) Topic sentence:*After reading the story, I believe that it is a _________ behind the door. Evidence:*One example from the text is “___________” (Stockton #). Explanation of the quote from above. Evidence:*Also, I know that it was a _________ because the story states “_________” (Stockton #). Evidence: *Based on what I read, it is a _________ behind the door because it states “______” (Stockton #). Wrap up sentence- tie everything in paragraph together Introduction (3 sentences) Hook Bridge (detail) Thesis: By the end of “The Lady or the Tiger?”, it is clear to see that it is a (lady/tiger) behind the door. Conclusion (3 sentences): Restate the thesis Restate the claims from the body paragraph Connect it to the world (What is this important? Why should I care?) BODY PARAGRAPH

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