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Chair of Lancashire Children and Young People’s Trust

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1 Chair of Lancashire Children and Young People’s Trust
Building resilience through better parenting Helen Denton Chair of Lancashire Children and Young People’s Trust

2 Context Lancashire’s corporate commitment to working more efficiently and improving family resilience and outcomes - Early Support strategy and Total Family programme from April 2010 Lancashire’s Children and Young People’s Trust focus on transforming the way services are delivered to children, young people and their families, (shared locations, shared information, shared pathways, shared commissioning, shared delivery) – Transforming Service Delivery strategy from March 2011 Drivers for change: Financial – LCC £179m savings over 3 years, Constabulary £42m savings by 2015, etc Performance – improvement but narrowing the gap requirement remains, repeat referrals and short term interventions, lack of information sharing (comes up frequently in SCRs) Demand – repeat business, new business, high level of need/risk requiring greater multi-agency collaboration Policy – localism, decentralisation, choice, fairness, accountability, community budgets etc Early Support strategy agreed by Cabinet Member for Children and Schools on 5th Jan 2010 (attached) – return on investment in terms of reduced number of referrals to children’s social care (‘By 2013, these could equate to a reduction of % in impact of this ongoing savings of approximately £0.500m...’) and reduced placements into care. Total Family research programme update to Cabinet 27 January 2011 (attached) – highlighted issues around leadership, operational planning, value for money, workforce design and development and customer contact and relationship management. CYP Trust Transforming Service Delivery strategy agreed March 2011 and strategic framework outlining county/district commitments confirmed February 2012

3 Lancashire Improving Futures Programme
A commitment to working differently - service redesign on a whole system approach prompted by financial pressures and increasing repeat demands for services – Working Together strategic approach from September 2011 Opportunity to link with wider changes within health, policing, community safety and to support the authority’s corporate priorities - educational attainment, preparation for work, supporting children in care, etc. Ambition: System and process improvements to enable more effective interventions for families currently in need; Progressive system improvements at every level to ensure earlier identification of need; Effective and timely information sharing across agencies; Assessment processes that review the needs of the whole family; Multi-agency teams working around and with the family; Clear, transparent evidence of good practice and the impact this can have on individual and family outcomes Leading to: Reduced costs Sustained improvements in outcomes

4 MASH CART/Social Care Intervention Co-ordinator SLAs with Services
HUBS Information Sharing Agreement SLAs with Services Requests for Service Aligned Budgets Commissioning Support Co-ordinator Early Support Panel Spot budget L.P. budget Grant Aid Intensive Work with Families Referrals to DWP Multi Agency Single Agency (Including Universal) TAF L.P.

5 How we will deliver.... Creation of a Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Creation of Multi Agency Hubs based on Children’s Centres and Youth Zones Refresh of the CAF (common assessment framework) and CoN (Continuum of Need) Refresh of ‘Request for Service’ pathways Redesign of Commissioning structures and processes Refresh of Information Sharing Agreements Introduction of MI solution through ISSIS replacement Working Together with Families approach embedded across 12 districts MASH proposals led by Police in line with successful PRG bid Hubs to be developed based on Children’s Centres – two Children’s Centre Plus’s per district and one Youth Zone per district. This to be supported through existing capital allocations CAF and CoN to be refreshed in line with the new family approach – Workforce development implications delivered through current PRG bid ‘Request for Service’ Pathways to be refreshed aimed at decreasing workloads on CART and Initial Assessment teams and eventually on overall Social Care workloads CaPPs Service to be redesigned so that it better supports the Early Intervention Strategy Commissioning Strategy to be redesigned so that it is more efficient, with fewer contracts, but services still delivered and targeted locally Information Sharing Agreements/Protocols to be refreshed in line with the work of the Working Together With Families test areas Exploration of the purchase of the Early Intervention module of Liquid Logic – this will computerise and make web based all ‘Request for Service’ and CAF processes and allow direct partner access to these processes

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